Hi everyone:
My name is Rex Wu and I'm currently a grad. student at MIT studying astronaut
performance in space. I'm currently planning to run some experiments on human
readaptation to 1-g envrionment after short-term simulated partial-g exposure,
and I'm most interested in the transient readaptation responses and the
readaptation rates.
My experiments will involve partial unloading of subjects' weight using a
partial gravity simulator here at MIT (a type of suspension system),and the
use of EMG of legs and ground reactions forces pre and post-exposure will
serve as my measuring metrics to access the rate of readaptability.
Does anyone have experience on this area? Any insights or comments? Can anyone
tell me where to look for research resources regarding human unloading
experiments? Since I'm quite new in the area of space physiology and human
motor/gait readaptation, any information will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for you time and effort.
Rex Wu
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