On 14th Aug, I asked about biomechanical spasticity evaluation to
biomechanic mailing list. I have received 3 answers. But because my
e-mail server had been down during weekend, a lot of answers was lost.
Please send your reply again for my questions.
Sorry about that.
My original mail was
" Hi!
I am physiatrist in Korea and one of my main concern is treatment and
evaluation of spasticity.
For evaluation of spasticity, I have used pendulum test with motion
analysis system and this method showed good correlation with clinical
My questions are
1) I hope to know how to modify the evaluation method for the patients
with soft tissue contracture with biomechanical tools.
2) Please let me know the method how to evaluate quantitatively ankle
with biomechanical method or other biomechanical tools."
Kang Hee Cho, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Chungnam National University Hospital
Taejon, Korea
640 Daesa Dong Joong Gu Teajon, 301-721, Korea
Tel; +82-42-220-7818
Fax: +82-42-256-6056
E-mail: chorm@rehab.chungnam.ac.kr
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