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Position Announcement

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  • Position Announcement

    The Müller Institute for Biomechanics of the University of Bern, Switzerland,
    seeks a qualified individual to apply for two positions available in the
    basic and clinical biomechanics group:

    Experimental Biomechanical Engineer:

    The successful candidate should have a background in mechanical engineering,
    with either a bachelor’s, Dipl. Ing. HTL or ETH, or equivalent degree. The
    position requires working closely with the group head in designing and
    performing biomechanical experiments in the field of orthopaedic
    biomechanics (total joint replacements, trauma, and spine). The successful
    candidate will manage the material testing laboratory and also teach new
    students and co-workers how to use the equipment and software associated
    with testing. Experience with Instron or MTS material testing machines,
    LABView, PCs, and standard software is a plus.

    Start date: November 1

    Clinical Support Researcher:

    The successful candidate should have a medical degree with one-to-two years
    clinical experience in orthopedics. The job entails assisting in the design
    and performance of biomechanical studies on total joint replacement, trauma
    devices and spine instrumentation. He will help teach basic anatomy,
    prepare specimens for testing, diagnose x-rays and other duties which takes
    advantage of the medical background. This is a one-year fellowship which
    allows the prospective orthopedic surgeon to obtain hands on experience in
    biomechanical testing, such as strain gage application, materials testing,
    and computer aided-surgery.

    Start Date: December 1

    Good communication skills in English and the ability to work independently
    are required for either position.

    Interested candidates are invited to send a resume and names of three
    references to:

    Dr. Tracy Orr
    Maurice E. Müller Institute for Biomechanics
    P.O. Box 30
    3010 Bern

    Phone: +41-31-632-8718
    Fax: +41-31-632-4951

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