Aloha Rachel Brady,
Try this frequently clinically observed twist to sacroiliac injury...untold
numbers of patients present with primary complaint of sacroiliac pain,
sometimes including sciatica.
The patients' reports of cause is often a lifting type injury, wherein they
assume they have "thrown out" their low back and/or pelvis...or injured one
of their discs. Their treating doctor may reasonably think the same.
Unbeknownst to many of them is that the structural displacing forces of
lifting impact the neck either just ahead of or simultaneously with those
forces impacting the lower spine and pelvis. Upper cervical (upC)
displacement may precede and cause lowback and pelvic compensatory postural the body's way of keeping the musculo skeletal "organ" best
centered to gravity and the eyes level.
For upper cervical neuro-spinal alignment specialists detecting structural
displacement in the upC spine, then analyzing it with physical exam for leg
length inequality, utilizing a scanning type palpation of the bilateral
first and second posterior nerve roots and some of the sub occipital and
some of the long cervical muscles, etc.; combined with 3 mutually
perpendicular x-ray views of the C0, C1, and C2 areas including the entire
cervical spine, but projecting the central ray through the plane of
C1...allows for an analysis of the displaced hexagons on the frontal plane,
rotational displacement on the horizontal plane; the culmination of which
results in a predetermined reduction pathway vector (and magnitude of that
vector) along which to introduce a single force to re-align the upC area,
its hexagons and frontal and horizontal displacements.
The bi-product of this displacement reduction or partial or complete
correction results in, clinically observed, tissue, visceral, and systems
restoration towards this case regarding your query, Rachel,
sacroiliac pains and those of accompanying sciatica self limit or undergo
remission in sometimes a few minutes and sometimes a day or so...but the
result is usual and expected in most cases where confirmed disc disease has
not been Dx'd.
It would appear that the occurrence of the above would indicate that many
heretofore thought to be sacroiliac and discal caused sciatica symptoms were
not true in origin; but were the result of an upper cervical and overall
postural compensating mechanism traveling throughout the synergism of the
spinal network.
Many view this structural reaction through biomechanics as it relates to the
nervous system, particularly the brain stem and reticular system.
Perhaps the biomechanics oriented people out there (yourselves) in
combination with others of similar interest in different fields can evolve
further and faster in all of our life times some of this phenomena of particular how biomechanics does relate to and plays an
interacting role with the nervous system.
Personally I feel you people who specialize in biomechanics already hold the
key to so many of our questions and opportunities of advancing the service
of restoring and maintaining human health through biomechanical alignment of
the upC neuro-spine.
For us the service is calculated and delivered with intent of changing
structure only by a few degrees and millimeters; not a manipulatory, but a
precision approach utilizing a floor mounted alignment instrument for
Where do we go from here in the possible future interchange of ideas and
knowledge? Some believe that the most important area of human biomechanics
is the upC studies have calculated that there is
potential for 7,500 different vectors of displacement...which can pale the
complexity of many other and exciting studies of human biomechanics.
Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
From: Rachel Brady
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.biomch-l
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 1998 6:03 AM
Subject: Sacroiliac joint - injury mechanisms?
>I am looking for examples of mechanism/s that might injure (or stress) the
>sacroiliac joint. I understand that child birth or a long running stride
>can affect this joint. I am particularly interested in learning how much
>force is generated through this joint during walking and running. Any
>insight will be greatly appreciated.
>Thank you in advance.
>Rachel Brady, M.S.
>Associate Forensic Analyst
>Billy Cox & Associates
>9000 Southwest Freeway, Suite 400
>Houston, TX 77074
>(800) 683-1055
>To unsubscribe send UNSUBSCRIBE BIOMCH-L to
>For information and archives:
To unsubscribe send UNSUBSCRIBE BIOMCH-L to
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Try this frequently clinically observed twist to sacroiliac injury...untold
numbers of patients present with primary complaint of sacroiliac pain,
sometimes including sciatica.
The patients' reports of cause is often a lifting type injury, wherein they
assume they have "thrown out" their low back and/or pelvis...or injured one
of their discs. Their treating doctor may reasonably think the same.
Unbeknownst to many of them is that the structural displacing forces of
lifting impact the neck either just ahead of or simultaneously with those
forces impacting the lower spine and pelvis. Upper cervical (upC)
displacement may precede and cause lowback and pelvic compensatory postural the body's way of keeping the musculo skeletal "organ" best
centered to gravity and the eyes level.
For upper cervical neuro-spinal alignment specialists detecting structural
displacement in the upC spine, then analyzing it with physical exam for leg
length inequality, utilizing a scanning type palpation of the bilateral
first and second posterior nerve roots and some of the sub occipital and
some of the long cervical muscles, etc.; combined with 3 mutually
perpendicular x-ray views of the C0, C1, and C2 areas including the entire
cervical spine, but projecting the central ray through the plane of
C1...allows for an analysis of the displaced hexagons on the frontal plane,
rotational displacement on the horizontal plane; the culmination of which
results in a predetermined reduction pathway vector (and magnitude of that
vector) along which to introduce a single force to re-align the upC area,
its hexagons and frontal and horizontal displacements.
The bi-product of this displacement reduction or partial or complete
correction results in, clinically observed, tissue, visceral, and systems
restoration towards this case regarding your query, Rachel,
sacroiliac pains and those of accompanying sciatica self limit or undergo
remission in sometimes a few minutes and sometimes a day or so...but the
result is usual and expected in most cases where confirmed disc disease has
not been Dx'd.
It would appear that the occurrence of the above would indicate that many
heretofore thought to be sacroiliac and discal caused sciatica symptoms were
not true in origin; but were the result of an upper cervical and overall
postural compensating mechanism traveling throughout the synergism of the
spinal network.
Many view this structural reaction through biomechanics as it relates to the
nervous system, particularly the brain stem and reticular system.
Perhaps the biomechanics oriented people out there (yourselves) in
combination with others of similar interest in different fields can evolve
further and faster in all of our life times some of this phenomena of particular how biomechanics does relate to and plays an
interacting role with the nervous system.
Personally I feel you people who specialize in biomechanics already hold the
key to so many of our questions and opportunities of advancing the service
of restoring and maintaining human health through biomechanical alignment of
the upC neuro-spine.
For us the service is calculated and delivered with intent of changing
structure only by a few degrees and millimeters; not a manipulatory, but a
precision approach utilizing a floor mounted alignment instrument for
Where do we go from here in the possible future interchange of ideas and
knowledge? Some believe that the most important area of human biomechanics
is the upC studies have calculated that there is
potential for 7,500 different vectors of displacement...which can pale the
complexity of many other and exciting studies of human biomechanics.
Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
From: Rachel Brady
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.biomch-l
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 1998 6:03 AM
Subject: Sacroiliac joint - injury mechanisms?
>I am looking for examples of mechanism/s that might injure (or stress) the
>sacroiliac joint. I understand that child birth or a long running stride
>can affect this joint. I am particularly interested in learning how much
>force is generated through this joint during walking and running. Any
>insight will be greatly appreciated.
>Thank you in advance.
>Rachel Brady, M.S.
>Associate Forensic Analyst
>Billy Cox & Associates
>9000 Southwest Freeway, Suite 400
>Houston, TX 77074
>(800) 683-1055
>To unsubscribe send UNSUBSCRIBE BIOMCH-L to
>For information and archives:
To unsubscribe send UNSUBSCRIBE BIOMCH-L to
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