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    Aloha to Brian Fay, M.S.

    Your open mindedness is encouraging to all of us. It seems there are many
    who use alternative where now thay are more than the few and
    represent a fair portion of any community w/ those services available.

    I had an event in life that the University of California Medical Center in
    San Francisco (at least the members of the staff treating me) gave up on my
    spinal condition.

    I resorted to a specialist in biomechanics of the spine. The results were
    not 100% but were 120%. Mental acuity improved almost alarmingly it was so
    noticeable. Athletic ability went up significant notches.

    Other ills that due to the vigor of youth that I was either unaware of or
    was just subconsciously ignoring, vecame noticeable by their abscence.

    I knew something neurological was occurring at an enhanced level. I just did
    not know what it was, but its source was clearly the structural changes the
    biomechnics specialist was putting me through.

    The best to you Brian,

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Brian Fay
    To: Jay M. Trennoche
    Date: Monday, October 26, 1998 4:18 AM

    >The endless debate over the value of alternatives therapies...
    >I can provide personall testimony to the effectiveness of a particular
    >chiropractic brother bumped his head on a train which bent
    >his neck in an odd position. He experienced extreme pain, his MD
    >prescribed Flexoril (muscle relaxant) and recommended moist heat on the
    >neck. This regimine did not improve the condition. At this point, a
    >chiropractor was consulted. Two X-Rays of the neck showed some kind of
    >mispositioning of the cervical vertebrae. After one manipulation
    >treatment, the pain greatly deminished and was gone after a week.
    >This testimonial, however, demonstrates the inherant conflict between the
    >practices in that often alternative therapies are sought by people with
    >uncommon medical conditions. Many people will assert their paticular
    >condition was improved via an alternative therapy, but since the condition
    >is uncommon, there is not enough people with the particular condition to
    >conduct clinical investigations with appropriate statistical analysis.
    >This causes mainstream groups such as the AMA to doubt the value of
    >alternative therapies. Unfortunately, groups such as the AMA have nothing
    >to offer persons with uncommon medical conditions.
    >Thus, I would point out:
    >(1) Western alopathic medicine is very good at treating conditions which
    > conform to a scientific model and can be verified statistically.
    >(2) Alternative therapies often develop a niche of patients with similar
    > conditions that have a variety of sources. Often these conditions
    > cannot be grouped into scientific studies.
    >(3) Medicine, in any form, is an art. A good doctor or practitioner
    > usually has a unique ability to integrate the patient's symptoms and
    > any complementary information into a treatment program.
    >Personally, I have consulted alternative therapies. I applied the same
    >ideas as when I see a regular MD:
    >(1) take someone with you that you trust...this will give you a reference
    > in case you hear something wrong;
    >(2) ask the practicioner to clarify explanations that you or your friend
    > do not understand;
    >(3) if your condition does not improve within a reasonable amount of time,
    > discuss it with the may be time to pursue a
    > different course of treatment.
    >Brian T. Fay, M.S.
    >University of Pittsburgh
    >School of Health & Rehabilitation Science
    >Dept of Rehabilitation Science & Technology
    >5044 Forbes Tower
    >Pittsburgh, PA 15260
    >phone: 412/647-1270
    >fax: 412/647-1277
    >VA Pittsburgh Health Care System
    >7180 Highland Drive
    >Pittsburgh, PA 15206
    >phone: 412/365-4850
    >fax: 412/365-4858

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