Vinicio D'Annunzio wrote:
> I agree with Steve Levin's statements : 'Manipulation restores joint
> play (a measurable fact). I am not sure what else it does (a scientific
> statement). The rest is conjecture, wishful thinking and pseudo
> science...manipulation is a nonlinear event.'
> However, my personal impression is that manipulation has much in common
> with other techniques even if very different in origin, background,
> philosophy and goals (akupressure, acupuncture, mesotherapy, also
> "proprioceptive" reeducation and McKenzie, also neuromotor
> rehabilitation techniques like Vojta or Bobath). They all share, aside
> from the obvious differences, common procedures in applying pressures on
> specific points, or puncturing those points, or applying torsional
> forces directly (manipulation) or indirectly (Bobath, Vojta). Pressures
> and torsions, when carefully applied, seem always able to evoke
> 'something': my impression is that 'something' is the direct or indirect
> stimulation-relaxation of the tiny, deep paraspinal muscles, evoking a
> centripetal input to ...what? maybe the Reticular Formation and related
> structures (Common Brain Stem System, Hess, 1925). Reticular Formation
> and Neurovegetative System could form the background of the interplay
> among motor, sensitive, emotional reactions to the different methods.
> References:
> HESS W.R.: Uber die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Psychischen und
> vegetativen Funktionen. Schweiz Arch. Neurol. Psychiat. 16. 1925, 36;
> formation of the brainstem. A common system, fot cardio-respiratory and
> somatomotor functions. Cross-correlation analysis of discharge patterns
> of neighbouring neurones. J. Autonom. Nery. Syst. 12, 1985, 35-62
> --
> Vinicio D'Annunzio, MD
> Researcher
> Università Cattolica, Roma, Italia
> alternate mail:
They do seem to share a commonality. I think that what we see, as Garry
Allison pointed out, is the ‘butterfly effect’ that is part of
nonlinear, chaotic systems. A small perturbation a one point can have
significant effects remote from the site. That they work (sometimes) is
fact. How they work is theory.
I’ll take all the help I can get.
Steve P.S. I love Rome!
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> I agree with Steve Levin's statements : 'Manipulation restores joint
> play (a measurable fact). I am not sure what else it does (a scientific
> statement). The rest is conjecture, wishful thinking and pseudo
> science...manipulation is a nonlinear event.'
> However, my personal impression is that manipulation has much in common
> with other techniques even if very different in origin, background,
> philosophy and goals (akupressure, acupuncture, mesotherapy, also
> "proprioceptive" reeducation and McKenzie, also neuromotor
> rehabilitation techniques like Vojta or Bobath). They all share, aside
> from the obvious differences, common procedures in applying pressures on
> specific points, or puncturing those points, or applying torsional
> forces directly (manipulation) or indirectly (Bobath, Vojta). Pressures
> and torsions, when carefully applied, seem always able to evoke
> 'something': my impression is that 'something' is the direct or indirect
> stimulation-relaxation of the tiny, deep paraspinal muscles, evoking a
> centripetal input to ...what? maybe the Reticular Formation and related
> structures (Common Brain Stem System, Hess, 1925). Reticular Formation
> and Neurovegetative System could form the background of the interplay
> among motor, sensitive, emotional reactions to the different methods.
> References:
> HESS W.R.: Uber die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Psychischen und
> vegetativen Funktionen. Schweiz Arch. Neurol. Psychiat. 16. 1925, 36;
> formation of the brainstem. A common system, fot cardio-respiratory and
> somatomotor functions. Cross-correlation analysis of discharge patterns
> of neighbouring neurones. J. Autonom. Nery. Syst. 12, 1985, 35-62
> --
> Vinicio D'Annunzio, MD
> Researcher
> Università Cattolica, Roma, Italia
> alternate mail:
They do seem to share a commonality. I think that what we see, as Garry
Allison pointed out, is the ‘butterfly effect’ that is part of
nonlinear, chaotic systems. A small perturbation a one point can have
significant effects remote from the site. That they work (sometimes) is
fact. How they work is theory.
I’ll take all the help I can get.
Steve P.S. I love Rome!
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