Stephen M. Levin wrote:
> Vinicio,
> They do seem to share a commonality. I think that what we see, as Garry
> Allison pointed out, is the ‘butterfly effect’ that is part of
> nonlinear, chaotic systems. A small perturbation a one point can have
> significant effects remote from the site. That they work (sometimes) is
> fact. How they work is theory.
> I’ll take all the help I can get.
> Steve P.S. I love Rome!
I do completely agree with the concept of the 'butterfly effect'. The
best way to conceive Nature, and Medicine, I think, is as chaotic
systems in dynamic equilibrium. The commonality I mean, among the
different methods that approach the body manually, is exactly that (a
controlled interference with the equilibrium). The Neurovegetative
System has much in common with a chaotic system, something like a neural
probabilistic cloud, and this is why I suppose its involvment: but
obviously that's only a theory, as is the mediation of the paraspinal
muscles. The fact is that they work (sometimes). The hope is the
understanding. Thank you for your love for Rome! (but the coming
Jubilaeum is creating so many problems!)
A note for Jay M.Trennoche, who wrote: 'If you manipulate you can
comment on manipulation'. Admittedly, I don't manipulate, I am an expert
in child rehabilitation. However, I have learned much from biomechanic
engineers, who don't rehabilitate children: what if I said them 'If you
rehabilitate you can comment on rehabilitation'?
Vinicio D'Annunzio, MD
Università Cattolica, Roma, Italia
phone: +39-06-30154943
fax: +39-06-3051161
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