-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Grimshire [SMTP:dgrimshi@is.dal.ca]
I subscribe to this list server for professional information. Could we
please drop this thread.
> I read the gist of Sujovolsky's comments as dealing with the sparse
> employment for students with
> graduate degrees in biomechanics; not as a shot at USOC.
I consider information regarding biomechanics oriented job opportunities,
job pay, and educational opportunities very relevant professional
information. Not everyone on the list is in a steady job, and requests for
information about working conditions/benefits, etc are important for these
people who have spent a lot of time and money and are trying to find the
best place to apply their skills.
Bill Vannah has brought up a good concern regarding informing those
interested in biomechanical related careers that a graduate biomechanics
degree does not necessarily equal a great paying job, and that the job pool
is made up strongly of research type jobs that traditionally pay less than
industrial/commercial positions. How many graduate students do you think
are trying to get a master's so that they can get a job making $16-$19 K
per year? I didn't.
If someone feels they or their organization has been misrepresented, then I
also think its important for them to provide information to the contrary.
And would say that they system seems to be working. A request was made
for information, it was provided, mistakes were pointed out, apologies were
made, and the flame marks will fade with time....
Bryan Kirking
Research Engineer
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas
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