Conference Chairs: Raj S. Acharya (SUNY/Buffalo)
Dmitry B. Goldgof (University of South Florida)

Cochairs: Kevin Bowyer (University of South Florida)
Chin-Tu Chen (University of Chicago)
James S. Duncan (Yale University)
Eric A. Hoffman (Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania)
Thomas S. Huang (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Andres Kriete (Universitat Giessen, Germany)
Richard A. Robb (Mayo Clinic/Foundation)
Demetri Terzopoulos (University of Toronto)

Part of 1993 SPIE/SPSE Symposium on Electronic Imaging
January 31 - February 5, 1993, San Jose, California, USA

The large variety of imaging modalities for exploration of objects
of biomedical interest has led to the necessity for solving many problems
related to the specific characteristics of the radiation and sensing apparatus
used. Acquired biomedical images typically suffer from degradation related
to the physical limitations of the imaging device. These degradations serve to
complicate the generic goals of analysis and interpretation. This conference
is devoted to the presentation of new techniques directed towards the improved
interpretation (interactive or automated) of biomedical images obtained from
practical systems. Papers are solicited which detail methods for reconstructing
images from partial information, for correcting image defects, or for
effectively extracting/analyzing/interpreting practical images of biomedical

Papers are invited in the following and related areas:

Biomedical Image Processing

- Image Reconstruction
- Image Restoration and Enhancement
- Feature Enhancement and Extraction in Biomedical Images
- Biomedical Image Analysis and Interpretation
- Multi-Dimensional Biomedical Image Processing
- Motion Analysis in Biomedical Images
- Multi-Modality Imaging
- Microscopy Imaging
- Knowledge-Based Methods

Special sessions on

- Three-Dimensional Microscopy
- Image Processing for Mammography Applications


Please send 3 copies of a 1000 word summary and a brief
biography by July 5, 1992 to:

SPIE/SPSE Technical Program Committee:
Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology 1992
P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010 USA
Shipping Address: 1000 20th St., Bellingham, WA 98225
Telephone: 206/676-3290 (Pacific Time); Telex 46-7053
Telefax: 206/647-1445; OPTO-LINK 206/733-2998

Please include the author(s) name(s), company name, complete address
and telephone/telex/telefax numbers (principal author first), and
clearly designate for which conference within symposium the abstract
is intended. For more information contact SPIE/SPSE or Conference
Chairs below.

Important dates:

Applicants will be notified of acceptance by mid-November.
Camera-ready abstact is due December 2, 1992
Manuscript is due January 4, 1993


The conference will be held in San Jose Convention Center, San Jose,
California USA, as a part of SPIE/IS&T Symposium on Electronic Imaging.
This symposium will provide a rich interaction environment because of
numerous simultaneous conferences (Image Restoration and Enhancement,
Image Compression, Image Processing and Graphics Hardware, Nonlinear
Image Processing, Image Understanding, etc.) and because of its location
in the heart of the Silicon Valley.

Conference Chairs:

Dr. Raj Acharya
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York 14260

Dr. Dmitry B. Goldgof
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida 33620-5350