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    * Would your subject area benefit from an easily accessible
    resource that contains details of European information sources,
    subject specific databases, etc?

    * Is there a bulletin board where you can post details of future
    European conferences, seminars and workshops?

    * Would your discipline benefit from wider electronic circulation
    of an existing paper "newsletter" or do you have plans to
    introduce one?

    These three propositions would all contribute to improving
    communication between European researchers. And they can be made
    available to either the information provider or user at no charge.

    COSINE, funded by the EC and the countries of western Europe,
    provides a computer based communications infrastructure and range
    of services to support the European researcher. The very fact
    that you are able to read this message means that you have access
    to the national research network in your country and thus to the
    international services that COSINE provides.

    CONCISE, one of COSINE's services, is a pan-European information
    service that has a role to play in helping you to meet many of the
    objectives outlined above.

    CONCISE exists to assist you, the European researcher, in keeping
    in touch with Europe. The information that is held on CONCISE can
    be structured to meet the needs of any group of European
    researchers. One of the Special Interest Groups on CONCISE - The
    European Crystallographers for example, holds information on a
    range of subject related topics. These include a list of National
    Representatives with contact names and addresses, details of
    forthcoming meetings and information on awards given out for
    excellence in the field of crystallography. The information they
    provide not only benefits those active in the realm of
    Crystallography but those other interested parties who may wish to
    participate in their events.

    A pan-European research interest group would typically nominate an
    individual to liaise with CONCISE. The representative would agree
    how the groups information could be provided, the type of key
    words that could apply, and so on. The group would then be free
    to provide the information regularly according to their

    CONCISE provides an ideal mechanism for communicating with other
    researchers. There are no charges to either information providers
    or to user: the information is freely available to all interested

    CONCISE can contribute to communicating the activities of your
    research interest group to a wider audience. To find out more,

    The Helpdesk at CONCISE

    Contact: Juliana Evans


    X.400: C=gb;ADMD= ;PRMD=Level-7 Ltd;O=CONCISE;S=CONCISE

    Fax: +44 344 868442
    Tel: +44 344 360049 (09:00 to 17:00 Central European Time,
    Monday to Friday, excluding UK public holidays)