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CONCISE Helpdesk

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  • CONCISE Helpdesk

    ------------------------------ Start of body part 1

    We at CONCISE are constantly searching for new areas of information which
    would be of interest to the European community as a whole.

    To help you get "a feel" for the Service, please find below an example of
    how to retrieve information by electronic mail from CONCISE.

    Firstly, you will need to know exactly what information is stored on
    CONCISE and to do this, you will need the top level menu.

    In order to obtain this you send the commands:


    to this address:

    The top level index will be sent back to you.

    Crystallographers for example under SIGS are one of a number of Special
    Interest Groups whose members are based all over Europe and who are using
    CONCISE as a document repository. Documents, agendas, reports can all be
    stored on CONCISE. This information is constantly updated to keep the
    researchers "in touch" with the latest events.

    To obtain an index of all the documents stored under Crystallography you
    need to send the following message:

    goto /sigs/crystal

    When this information is sent back to you, you will notice that 2 of the
    documents are in Italian and German. You may wish to access the German
    document for example. To do this you send this message:

    goto /sigs/crystal/de-mtg1

    and the information will be returned to you.

    If you are accessing CONCISE interactively, CRYSTALLOGRAPHY is found under
    SIGS (item-id 73) and then CRYSTAL (item-id 145) will lead you to the

    Please find in the next bodyparts three documents explaining in detail the
    ways in which you can access CONCISE:

    1. Information on how to access CONCISE interactively

    2. Information on how to access CONCISE by Email

    3. Information on how to access CONCISE by File Transfer

    I am also sending you by post a couple of brochures on CONCISE along with a
    Quick Reference Card and further information about the Project.

    I look forward to hearing from you, Mr Hodgkinson.

    In the meantime, if you need further information about the Project or
    clarification on any of the points above, please do not hesitate to contact
    me at the helpdesk.


    Juliana EVANS
    CONCISE helpdesk

    ------------------------------ Start of body part 2

    CONCISE User Guide - Interactive Service


    CONCISE is the COSINE Network's Central Information Service for

    CONCISE provides information about the COSINE project, networks,
    conferences, networking products, special interest groups, projects
    databases, directories, Email services and other networked services
    in Europe.

    CONCISE is accessible by Email, File Transfer or Interactively.

    CONCISE is accessible over the European academic and research
    networks, over public data networks and over telephone links.

    Currently, users do not have to register to get a user-id or

    Information is in English.

    A help desk is available to provide information and answer queries
    by Email, phone, fax or letter.

    There are four user guides and one reference guide for CONCISE as

    CONCISE User Guide - Information
    CONCISE User Guide - Email Access
    CONCISE User Guide - File Transfer Access
    CONCISE User Guide - Interactive Access
    CONCISE Reference Guide

    To obtain a copy of any one of these guides send an Email message
    containing the text shown below to one of the following Email
    addresses; you will then be sent a copy of the guide you asked for
    S=concise; O=concise; P=Level-7 Ltd; A= ; C=GB

    For the `CONCISE User Guide - Information', Email the following

    help cug-info

    For the `CONCISE User Guide - Email Access', Email the following

    help cug-email

    For the `CONCISE User Guide - File Transfer Access', Email the
    following message:

    help cug-ft

    For the `CONCISE User Guide - Interactive Access', Email the
    following message:

    help cug-inter

    For the `CONCISE Reference Manual', Email the following message:

    goto /cosine/concise/cref

    If you have problems or comments about CONCISE please contact the
    CONCISE helpdesk:

    by Email:
    or S=helpdesk; O=concise; P=level-7 Ltd; A= ; C=GB
    by Fax: +44 344 868 442
    by Phone: +44 344 360 049
    by Letter: CONCISE Help desk
    c/o Level-7 Ltd
    Centennial Court
    Easthampstead Road
    Bracknell RG12 1YQ

    What you need to access CONCISE interactively

    In order to access the CONCISE interactive service you will need a
    terminal emulator or interactive access program on your computer.

    To contact the CONCISE server you will either need access to a data
    network or be able to dial up the server using a modem and the
    telephone call to the UK.

    How to access CONCISE

    You will probably have access to a local network, your country's
    research network or a public network. You must find out how to use
    this to call an X.25 network address on either the IXI network or
    the public X.25 network. If you do not know how to do this you
    should contact your local network manager or someone in a similar
    role to help you.

    The following is the technical information you may need:

    The IXI network address is 2043 3450 3999 15
    The public X.25 address is 2342 3440 0193 15

    If you cannot use a network to access CONCISE you may use a modem
    and a telephone call to the UK.

    The following is the technical information you may need:

    Modem speeds supported are 300, 1200 and 2400 baud.
    The telephone number to call is +44 344 868 436.

    Having set up the call to CONCISE you will be asked to login. When
    you are prompted to login enter the word `concise'. When you are
    prompted to give your password enter the word `concise' again. (At
    each of these prompts type the seven letters in the word `concise'
    followed by the key marked `return' or `enter'.)

    After logging in correctly, you will be see the CONCISE welcome
    page. Press the return key to go to the top level menu.

    The top level menu

    The top level menu, like most screens in the CONCISE interactive
    user interface is divided into three parts:

    The top line is the status line. On the left it shows where you are,
    on the right there is a percentage such as `100 %'. If the text in
    the middle part of the screen covers more than one screenful, then
    the percentage figure indicates how far through the text you are,
    therefore if the top level index says `100 %' it means you can see
    the whole index.

    The middle of the screen is the result of whatever you have asked
    CONCISE to do. It could contain an index such as the top level menu
    or a file of information for example. The result could cover several
    screenfuls. There are commands (`next' and `previous') which allow
    you to step forwards and backwards through the text.

    The bottom part of the screen contains a list of the commands you
    can give and a prompt for you to type a command.

    Getting `friendlier' output - the `display' command
    ================================================== =

    The user interface can be more friendly if you use the display
    command. You do not have to do this if you do not want to.

    In order to use the display command you must know (or guess) your
    terminal type. Many terminals and terminal emulators are of vt100
    type - so that is a good one to guess if you do not know. To set the
    display enter `d' followed by the return key. You will be asked to
    enter your terminal type. If you enter a terminal type that CONCISE
    understands you will find that the screen display is a lot faster
    and a lot friendlier.

    There are two special terminal types that you may enter - `simple'
    and `nopage'. The simple terminal type is not particularly friendly -
    but it will work on any terminal. The nopage terminal type does not
    stop the display after a screenful. Using nopage, if you ask for a
    file to be displayed it will appear continuously without stopping.
    This is useful if you are capturing the output of the session in a
    file on your local machine. It is not useful if you want to read the
    results of your commands on the screen.

    Getting help - the `help' command

    The `help' command gives you information about how particular
    commands work. To use this command enter `h' followed by the return
    key. You will be shown an index of the help items from which you can

    How to leave CONCISE - the `quit' command

    To leave CONCISE you must enter `q' followed by the return key. You
    will be asked if you really want to leave CONCISE (just in case you
    entered `q' by mistake) to which you should reply `y' followed by
    the return key.

    At a few points in the CONCISE user interface, you cannot enter the
    quit command. For example, when using the `display' command you will
    be asked to enter your terminal type and you cannot enter `q' for
    quit. At these points you can always enter the return key to get
    back to a point where you can quit.

    Browsing through the information - entering item-ids
    ================================================== ==

    CONCISE often displays an index of items from which you can choose,
    for example the top level menu. Choose the item that you want and
    enter the item-id, that is the number on the left hand side. That
    item may give you another index from which you can choose, and so
    on. Eventually you will reach an item that has no index. This item
    may have a file associated with it which will be displayed.

    The item-ids are all different so you can enter the item-id of any
    item, whether it appears in a menu on the screen or not. Thus if you
    know that a particular item has item-id 145, you can go there from

    Paging - the `next' and `previous' commands

    Any index or file may cover more than one screenful. If it does you
    may go forwards and backwards through the screens using the `Next'
    and `Previous' commands (enter `n' or `p' followed by the return
    key). Simply entering the return key has the same effect as `Next'.
    You can tell how far through the index or file you are by looking at
    the percentage in the top right hand corner.

    Going to the main menu - the `top' command

    At any time you may go back to the top level index by using the
    `Top' command (enter `t' followed by the return key).

    Going back to where you were - the `back' command

    If you want to go back to somewhere where you were earlier you can
    use the `Back' command (enter `b' followed by the return key). This
    allows you to step backwards through the commands you gave earlier.
    By using the `back' command repeatedly you can get back to where you
    were up to ten commands previously. Note that this does not redo the
    `previous' and `next' commands.

    Searching for information - the `find' command

    Sometimes you want to search for something and do not know which
    indexes to look at. You can search the information in the whole of
    the CONCISE system by using the `Find' command (enter `f' followed
    by the return key).

    All items can have keywords associated with them. For example, all
    items about computer networks have the keyword `network'. You can
    search for items with a given keyword using `Find'.

    After entering `f' and the return key you will be prompted to enter
    a keyword. Enter a word that you want to search for. You will be
    given a list of all items that have that keyword. The information
    that is given is the `pathname' and the item-id. The pathname
    indicates the series of indexes through which you can go from the
    top to get to the item. Also given is the item-id, so you can go
    straight to any item by entering that number.

    You may find that after doing a search the list of items is too
    long, and you may wish to reduce the number. You can do this by
    using another keyword. Use the `Find' command again and you will see
    your original word displayed at the top of the screen. At the prompt
    at the bottom of the screen enter the word `and' followed by a
    space, a second keyword and the return key. The resulting list of
    items will all have both the first keyword and the second. This will
    be a shorter list than the first list.

    You may find that after doing a search the list of items is too
    short, and that you want to increase the number by supplying
    alternative keywords. You can do this by using another keyword
    again. Use the `Find' command again and you will see your original
    keyword at the top of the screen. After the prompt enter the word
    `or' followed by a space, another keyword and then the return key.
    The resulting list of items will all have either one of the keywords
    or the other or both. This will be a longer list than the first one.

    To start a new search with a different keyword, use the `Find'
    command, and after the prompt enter the new keyword without using
    `and' or `or'.

    If you want to you can use full boolean searching techniques using
    `and', `or' and `not' operators. Enter a search expression, for
    example `concise and not manual' to list all the items that have the
    keyword `concise' but do not have the keyword `manual'.

    Listing keywords - the `keywords' command

    To obtain a list of the keywords already on the system you can use
    the `keywords' command (enter `k' followed by the return key). This
    will give you a list of all the keywords in the system. If you do
    not want to get a list of all the keywords then you can select them
    by entering the first part of a word after the `k'. This will list
    all keywords starting with that combination. For example, if you
    enter `k co' you will get a list of all keywords starting with the
    letters `co'.

    You can also use wildcards in both the find and keywords command.
    The following characters are used as wildcards:

    % is used to mean any combination of letters of any length
    _ is used to mean any single letter

    Thus when you do a `find' command and give the keyword `c%e' you
    will get a list of all items with keywords starting with the letter
    `c' and ending with the letter `e'.

    Going up the hierarchy - the `up' command

    At any time you may go up to the index above the point where you
    currently are by using the `Up' command (enter `u' followed by the
    return key). This is not the same as the `back' command, for
    example, if you enter an item-id of something that is not in the
    current index, and then use `up', you will go to the place just
    `above' where you are currently, whereas `back' would go back to the
    place where you were before.

    Another way to move about - the `goto' command

    The `goto' command in the Email service allows you to enter the
    pathname of the item you want to go to. This is available in the
    interactive service as well. Enter `g' followed by the return key
    and you will be asked to enter a pathname. Enter the name and you
    will go straight to the place where you have asked to go.

    Getting an overview - the `overview' command

    To obtain an overview of an item giving other details not usually
    shown you can use the `overview' command. Go to the item you want to
    see the overview of and enter `o' followed by the return key.

    Displaying files - the `info' command

    Sometimes an item may display an index but may also contain a file.
    If you choose that item you will see an index displayed. If you want
    to get the file of information instead, enter `i' followed by the
    return key.

    Cleaning up the display - the `refresh' command

    When using networks to access interactive services you occasionally
    find that the characters sent to you get accidentally changed. If
    this happens the characters on your screen will not be correct -
    words may be spelt incorrectly or the format of the screen may be
    wrong. If this happens you can ask for the screen to be redisplayed.
    Enter `r' followed by the return key.

    Short cuts

    Some of the commands require extra information, for example the
    `display' command requires you to enter your terminal type. If you
    know what question you are going to be asked you can enter the
    answer immediately after the command name. For example, instead of
    entering `d' followed by the return key, and then `vt100' in reply
    to the question you are asked, you can enter `d vt100' and the
    return key. Thus as you learn the system you can take shortcuts.

    Advanced commands

    Most of the commands available under the Email service are also
    available under the interactive service. Thus the complex commands
    such as `index + index' and `find concise + overview' may be entered
    at the command prompt. For a full explanation of such commands,
    please refer to the `CONCISE User Guide - Email access' or the
    `CONCISE Reference Guide'.

    ------------------------------ Start of body part 3

    How to Start Email Access to CONCISE

    Access to the CONCISE service is through electronic mail (Email).
    The sequence of actions that follows may be repeated as often as you
    want, and is the basic mechanism for all access to the service:

    1. User writes a set of instructions for the server.

    2. User sends the set of instructions to CONCISE using electronic

    3. CONCISE obeys the instructions it receives in its electronic

    4. CONCISE sends the user the results of what it was instructed to
    do using electronic mail.

    5. User receives the results through his/her electronic mail

    If you do not have access to an electronic mail service, then you
    should contact your local or national network or computer services
    organisation, and ask them what to do.

    In order to mail the CONCISE service, you need to know its
    electronic mail address. The addresses for the CONCISE service given
    below both give access to the same service. The one you use depends
    on the electronic mail system you have access to. Choose the one
    that has the same format as other addresses you mail to. If in
    doubt, see your local network or computer services organisation.


    How the information is Structured

    The information is categorised. For example, all the items of
    information which are to do with networks are classified under
    `networks', and all the items of information to do with the aconet
    network are in the sub-category `aconet'. An example of three
    categories (COSINE, Networks and Services) is shown below. The
    `COSINE' category has information on the various COSINE sub-projects
    (eg CONCISE and PARADISE) and also the COSINE specification
    documents. The `Networks' category has information on the European
    networks (eg aconet, dfn, janet). The `Services' category has
    information on the electronic services available over the networks
    (eg netnews is a bulletin board, niss is an interactive information
    server, and trickle is a file-server).

    COSINE Networks Services

    - concise - aconet - netnews
    - paradise - dfn - niss
    - specs - janet - trickle

    The sub-categories may themselves be further divided into sub-
    categories, and so on. For example, `specs' is a sub-category of
    `cosine' which has many items of information beneath it, each of
    them is one of the specification documents of the COSINE project.

    Each item of information and each category has a name, eg `dfn', or
    `Networks'. The items have another name, called a `pathname'; this
    is a list of all the categories above it separated by slashes, eg
    /Networks/dfn. The single word name is unique within the particular
    category, but may not necessarily be unique in the whole of CONCISE.
    The pathname, however, is unique in the whole system.

    Some items of information can be put into two or more
    classifications. For example, the NISS information server shown in
    the example under `Services' is on the JANET network, and so would
    also be classified under `janet'. Things like this may be found
    classified under both.

    Each item has a pathname which reflects the categories under which
    it is classified. For example, the aconet network in the example
    above has the pathname /Networks/aconet, the CONCISE information
    service has information on itself under `concise' which is named

    CONCISE Commands

    This section is designed to introduce the commands (ie. the
    instructions) that you can give to CONCISE. It is suggested that you
    try each of the commands in turn as you read through the text. Use
    your electronic mail system; send a message to the CONCISE service
    at one of the addresses given in section 2, and where you usually
    type the message itself, type in the commands given below. Send the
    message in the usual way, and wait to see what reply you get. The
    reply may come back in a few minutes, or you might have to wait
    longer depending on the speed of the electronic mail.

    At the beginning of each message, before any of the commands are put
    in, you must include the following line:


    This tells CONCISE to start obeying commands, anything put before
    this line will be ignored.

    Getting Help

    To get information on what you can do use the `help' command. Enter
    the following text in your message and send it:


    You will be sent a message telling you how to access the system, and
    how to obtain a copy of this user guide and the full reference

    To get information about a specific command, or something about the
    system that you do not understand, use the `help' command with a
    topic you want help on. For example, to get help on the `info'
    command, send the following:

    help info

    Moving Around

    There are two types of information you can get in CONCISE: the first
    is an overview of the information; this sends you a summary, who
    wrote the information, when it was written, and various details of a
    similar nature. The second is the information itself; this is a file
    (potentially large) containing information about the subject in
    question. The commands to get these types of information, `overview'
    and `info' are discussed in 5.4.

    The basic way to do anything on the CONCISE service is to go to the
    place, and then perform the action. For example, suppose an overview
    of netnews is required. Netnews is located at /Services/netnews. The
    `goto' command will move you around, the `overview' command can be
    used to get an overview, so the following commands will retrieve the
    overview on electronic mail:

    goto /Services/netnews

    A message may have a number of commands in it, so you can move
    around several times in one message. Before CONCISE starts to obey
    the commands you have sent, it puts you at the top of the
    information, that is at one level above COSINE, Networks and
    Services. From there you can go anywhere you want.

    Commands that allow movement around the different items are:

    goto goes straight to the item specified
    top goes to the top of the information, ie where you start
    up moves up one level from where you are, eg if you are at
    /Services/netnews and you use the `up' command, you will
    get to /Services

    Getting Indexes

    In order to move around, it is necessary to know where you can go
    to. This is achieved using the `index' command. For example, the
    following commands list the top level index:


    After obeying this command, CONCISE will send you a message
    containing an index (ie a list) of all the main categories. In the
    example shown in the diagram this would be:


    Having obtained an index of the top level, you may goto one of the
    items returned in the list, and perform another index eg:

    goto /Services

    You would then get a list of Services sent to you. This process can
    be continued eg:

    goto /Networks/dfn

    . and so on. After doing this a few times you will no longer be
    able to get an index as you will have reached the bottom - the most
    detailed index.

    Information and Overviews

    There are two types of information you can get: the information and
    the overview (see section 5.2). To get these use the `info' and
    `overview' commands. Both commands can be used on the same item. For
    example, to get all the information on the DFN network use the
    following commands:

    goto /Networks/dfn

    There will be two parts to the message that is sent back to you. The
    first is the overview, and the second is the information itself. You
    do not have to send both these commands together, they could be sent
    separately like this:

    goto /Networks/dfn

    and like this:

    goto /Networks/dfn


    Another way of finding out what items there are to go to, is the
    `find' command. This allows you to obtain a list of items that have
    got a given keyword attached to them. For example, to get a list of
    items which have something to do with COSINE, use the following:

    find COSINE

    You will be sent a list of everything that CONCISE can find which is
    to do with COSINE. There is no need to do a `goto' command before
    `find' as it will search everywhere.

    The word that you put after `find' is called a keyword. To find out
    what keywords you can use, the `keywords' command can be sent:


    This will return a list of all the keywords that CONCISE.
    Making Comments and Asking Questions about CONCISE

    Any comments, suggestions, or questions about the service may be
    sent to the CONCISE help desk. These messages can be mailed to the
    help desk directly, or they can be sent in the commands using the
    `comment' command. All the text you type after the comment command
    up to the two semi-colons (; will be sent to the CONCISE help
    desk. For example:


    The contact name for superfile service mentioned under
    /Services/superfile is no longer valid - I have just tried to get
    her, and she has apparently changed jobs.

    Note that the `;;' on a line by itself ends the comment, other
    commands may be placed after the `;;' if you want.

    Automatic Flagging of New Information

    You may wish to be told when there is new information, or when
    something is updated. To do this, go to the place of interest and
    use the `register' command. There are two forms of this command:
    `register update' and `register new'. The first is used to tell you
    when a particular item of information has been updated. The second
    is used to tell you when any new information is added beneath a
    particular category. For example, to be told when the information on
    the NISS information service is updated, send the following

    goto /Services/niss
    register update

    Every time the information on the NISS information service is
    updated (ie changed) you will now be sent a message to tell you
    about it. Later you may want to stop these messages being sent to
    you, so send the following:

    goto /Services/niss
    deregister update

    Then you will no longer get the messages telling you about changes.

    Multiple Commands

    The `index' and `find' commands return a list. If you want to apply
    some command to each of the items on the list, then you can use the
    extension `+'. For example, suppose there are twelve items under the
    /COSINE/specs item, and you want to perform the `overview' command
    on them all, then you can use the `index' command to get the list,
    and the extension `+ overview' to get the overview of each of them.
    This is a lot easier than sending a `goto' and an `overview' twelve
    times. Try sending the following commands:

    goto /COSINE/specs
    index + overview

    You will be sent a message with an overview of each of the items
    under /COSINE/specs.

    Limiting the Size of the Result

    Some mail systems are not capable of handling large messages. If you
    are using one of these systems, you may find that when you get a
    large file back from CONCISE something goes wrong. If you find that
    there is a problem with large files, you can limit the size of the
    returned result by using the `max-size' command. For example, to
    limit the size of a returned message to 150000 characters (about
    2000 lines) use the following command at the beginning of your

    max-size 150000

    The result will be sent back in a series of messages, each of which
    is no bigger than 150000 characters.

    Personal Reminders

    If you store the commands that you send to the CONCISE service, you
    may wish to annotate them with your own comments, in order to remind
    you what it is for. (This is analogous to putting comments into a
    computer program.) This can be done by putting `//' at the beginning
    of a line. All subsequent text on the line will be ignored by
    CONCISE but may be useful to you, eg


    // CONCISE commands to return indexes of the top three
    // levels. This may return a large file as a result.

    max-size 500000
    index + index + index



    // Get the top level index

    // Get information on SURFnet
    goto /Networks/surfnet

    // Find out what other information on networks there is
    // (Note you are already at /networks/surfnet so that you
    // can just go up one level.)

    // Get the overviews of all the networks
    index + overview

    // Find out what help is available and get help on the
    // goto command
    help topics
    help goto


    Sending Commands to CONCISE

    If you have problems using your electronic mail system, and you are
    not able to send a message to CONCISE, then you should contact your
    local network or computer services department. They should be able
    to tell you how to get started. Take this document with you and show
    them the addresses you are trying to send to.

    Problems with the CONCISE Commands

    To get more information on the commands available you can read this
    manual, read the reference manual, or use the `help' command.

    A copy of the full reference manual may be obtained by sending the
    following message to CONCISE:

    // Returns 'CONCISE reference manual'
    goto /COSINE/concise/cref

    ------------------------------ Start of body part 4

    Accessing CONCISE information by File Transfer

    You can gain access to the files of information stored in CONCISE by
    transferring the files from it to your machine. You will need a
    file transfer program on your machine. You may have to ask your
    local network or system administrator to help you set up the
    connection. There are different programs that you can use, so you
    will have to consult the instructions for your system to be able to
    used it.

    The file names follow the same structure as the pathnames that can
    be seen in the interactive or Email services. The filename for each
    file can be obtained using the `overview' command in either the
    interactive or Email services.

    The technical details that you will require are given below. It is
    possible that you will not be asked to supply all of these.

    Protocol used: FTAM
    X.25 address:
    for the IXI network: 2043 3450 3999
    for the public X.25 networks: 2342 3440 0193
    Call user data: 03 01 01 00
    T-SEL (Transport selector): 259 (Hex)
    User name: ANON

    ------------------------------ End of body part 4