Dear Biomch-L readers,
These days, I was made aware of MorphMet@cunyvm.bitnet, a.k.a. MorphMet@, an email list on Biological Morphometrics to which one
can subscribe in the usual listserv-based manner.
It is a highly interesting list, with related problems in measurement and
modeling: 3-D shape and motion have, of course, a lot in common.
Yesterday, a posting was devoted to new developments in the area of 3-D
electromagnetic position and attitude sensors.
With kind regards -- Herman J. Woltring.
These days, I was made aware of MorphMet@cunyvm.bitnet, a.k.a. MorphMet@, an email list on Biological Morphometrics to which one
can subscribe in the usual listserv-based manner.
It is a highly interesting list, with related problems in measurement and
modeling: 3-D shape and motion have, of course, a lot in common.
Yesterday, a posting was devoted to new developments in the area of 3-D
electromagnetic position and attitude sensors.
With kind regards -- Herman J. Woltring.