A full-time Research Assistant position is available in the Sensory
Motor Performance Program at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago in
the Human Vestibular Laboratory. The area of research will involve
studies of human postural control, with a focus on understanding the
vestibular and biomechanical

mechanisms underlying posture. This is an exciting opportunity for
highly motivated individual to work both independently and as part of a
laboratory team to produce high quality medical research funded by
federal research grants. This position will be responsible for
providing technical assistance for research (including data analysis
and interpretation) activities We would prefer a candidate with good
communication and interpersonal skills as well as the ability to work

Duties Include: Analyzing data using Matlab programming and others on

and PC computers

o Recruit, schedule, & test research subjects on

testing devices

o Assist with design & development of data analysis

o Graphics preparation for scientific papers &


o BS/MS in science or engineering (biomechanics or
kinesiology is


o Good communication skills


o Experience with computer programming, Matlab and

laboratory research.

The position is available immediately. RIC offers competitive salary
and benefits (EOE, M/F, D/V). Further information about our department
can be found on our website: http://sulu.smpp.nwu.edu. Qualified
individuals should e-mail or fax a resume and the names of three
references to:

Dr. Emily A. Keshner

Senior Clinical Research Scientist 312-908-2208 (fax)

Sensory Motor Performance Program eak@nwu.edu (email)

E809 - Room 1406

345 East Superior Street

Chicago IL 60611-3015


__________________________________________________ _______________

Emily A. Keshner, EdD, PT 312-908-2228 (voice)

Senior Clinical Research Scientist 312-908-2208 (fax)

Sensory Motor Performance Program

Research Associate Professor eak@nwu.edu (email)

Department of Physical Medicine

and Rehabilitation

E809 - Room 1406

345 East Superior Street

Chicago IL 60611-3015


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