I was out of town this weekend and did not check my email until returning
late Sunday evening. During my absence, someone sent me a message with a
14.5 Mb attachment ! On an email system that does not accept attachments >
2 Mb, this caused me to lose all email messages sent to me between midday
Friday and 9 a.m. Monday (NZ time, GMT + 12). If anyone from this List sent
me a message during this period, I would be grateful if you could resend
it. (Note: This does not include whoever sent the massive attachment !!!)
Jim Hay
James G. Hay, Ph.D.
43B May Street,
Mt Maunganui,
New Zealand
Ph: 64-7-575-5257
Fax: 64-7-575-5430
email: jameshay@enternet.co.nz
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