
I am writing with respect to some problems we have been experiencing with
disposable EMG electrodes. We are using the Meditrace ECE 1801 Pellet
Electrodes and find that there are times when we get a DC offset between
electrode pairs (almost like a capacitance built up) that seems to be
associated with the connection at the skin. This then saturates our preamps
causing system problems. We do check carefully for dried or defective
electrodes and still clean the skin before application. We also try not to
use electrodes beyond the expiration dates. This problem has been
intermittent, but when it seems to happen in concentrated periods which
would suggest a problem with a particular batch or lot.

Our question is whether others out there using disposable electrodes have
found the same or similar problems. If so, have you found a solution. Also,
I would be interested in knowing in general what other kind of "snap-on"
disposable electrodes people are using and what they think of them.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

Bradford J. McFadyen, Ph.D.

Groupe de Recherche en Département de Réadaptation
Réadaptation Physique Faculté de médecine
IRDPQ Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry
525, boul.Wilfrid-Hamel est Université Laval
Québec, (Québec) Québec, (Québec)
G1M 2S8 G1K 7P4
Tel: 418-529-9141 x 6584 Tel: 418-656-2131 x7935
Fax: 418-529-3548 (418-656-2874 - dept)

Fax: 418-656-5476

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