Second announcement and Call for abstracts
Fourth International Workshop on Animal Locomotion
Clinic for Orthopaedics in Ungulates, University for
Veterinary Medicine,
Vienna, Austria, 24.5. - 26.5. 2000
Dear colleagues,
Following our first announcement we now are pleased to ask
for abstracts for the Fourth International Workshop on Animal
Locomotion. IWAL 4 is to be held at the Clinic for
Orthopaedics in Ungulates, University for Veterinary Medicine
in Vienna from the 24 5. to 26.5. 2000.
The scope of the workshop is a meeting of scientics from all
over the world from various disciplines such as veterinarians,
zoologists, sport scientists, physiologists, anatomists,
physicists and many more interested in biomechanical research
in animals. Both fundamental research topics as well as
applied research in sports or medicine are subject of the
meeting. The following topics are planned for the meeting:
structure and function of the locomotor system
hoof mechanics and shoeing
gait and coordination
athlethic performance
clinical applications of locomotion analysis
Please visit our webside for all informations about the
workshop: Instructions for authors as well as abstract forms
are available at our webside:
Deadline for the abstracts is the 1 st November.
The workshop will be organized at the new campus of the
university of veterinary medicine in Vienna with its modern
facilities for the scientific sessions , its locomotion laboratory
and within the famous flair of the city of vienna.
We really like to invite you to join the workshop and to enjoy
some days in vienna with an inspiring scientific meeting as
well as the splendid cultural facilities of vienna.
Important dates:
1. Call for abstracts June 99
Third announcement, Final call for papers Aug. 99
Deadline for submission of abstracts 1.11. 99
Invitation , Preliminary programme Feb.
Submission of papers 1.5.
IWAL 4 24.5. - 26.5. 2000
with greetings from vienna
Florian Buchner
Chairman IWAL 4
org:Clinic of Orthopaedics, Veterinary University Vienna
adr:;;Veterinärplatz 1; A-1210 Wien;Wien;Wien;1210;Austria
tel;fax:++43/1/250 77/5590;
tel;work:++43/1/250 77/5506
fn:Christian Peham
Fourth International Workshop on Animal Locomotion
Clinic for Orthopaedics in Ungulates, University for
Veterinary Medicine,
Vienna, Austria, 24.5. - 26.5. 2000
Dear colleagues,
Following our first announcement we now are pleased to ask
for abstracts for the Fourth International Workshop on Animal
Locomotion. IWAL 4 is to be held at the Clinic for
Orthopaedics in Ungulates, University for Veterinary Medicine
in Vienna from the 24 5. to 26.5. 2000.
The scope of the workshop is a meeting of scientics from all
over the world from various disciplines such as veterinarians,
zoologists, sport scientists, physiologists, anatomists,
physicists and many more interested in biomechanical research
in animals. Both fundamental research topics as well as
applied research in sports or medicine are subject of the
meeting. The following topics are planned for the meeting:
structure and function of the locomotor system
hoof mechanics and shoeing
gait and coordination
athlethic performance
clinical applications of locomotion analysis
Please visit our webside for all informations about the
workshop: Instructions for authors as well as abstract forms
are available at our webside:
Deadline for the abstracts is the 1 st November.
The workshop will be organized at the new campus of the
university of veterinary medicine in Vienna with its modern
facilities for the scientific sessions , its locomotion laboratory
and within the famous flair of the city of vienna.
We really like to invite you to join the workshop and to enjoy
some days in vienna with an inspiring scientific meeting as
well as the splendid cultural facilities of vienna.
Important dates:
1. Call for abstracts June 99
Third announcement, Final call for papers Aug. 99
Deadline for submission of abstracts 1.11. 99
Invitation , Preliminary programme Feb.
Submission of papers 1.5.
IWAL 4 24.5. - 26.5. 2000
with greetings from vienna
Florian Buchner
Chairman IWAL 4
org:Clinic of Orthopaedics, Veterinary University Vienna
adr:;;Veterinärplatz 1; A-1210 Wien;Wien;Wien;1210;Austria
tel;fax:++43/1/250 77/5590;
tel;work:++43/1/250 77/5506
fn:Christian Peham