On behalf of the Organising Committee, I am pleased to invite you to
attend the 3rd Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics
Conference (ABC3) to be hosted by the School of Physiotherapy and
Exercise Science (http://www.gu.edu.au/school/pes/home.html), Griffith
University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia from Monday 31st January
to Tuesday 1st February, 2000.

ABC3 is a biennial conference that has previously been hosted by The
University of Sydney (1996) and the University of Auckland (1998). The
aim of the conference is to foster links between biomechanists
throughout Australia and New Zealand and to give them the opportunity
to present their work to a relevant audience without having to travel
vast distances. Discussion and interaction will be encouraged at all
levels of the conference. Every effort has been made to keep
conference fees low to encourage participation, especially by

In keeping with the tradition of ABC1 and ABC2, ABC3 will take a broad
interpretation of the definition of Biomechanics. Submissions are
welcomed across a wide range of areas including (but not exclusively)
hard and soft tissue biomechanics, biofluid dynamics, muscle mechanics
and energetics, clinical and rehabilitation biomechanics, occupational
biomechanics, electromyography, human locomotion, sports biomechanics,
biomechanics methods and instrumentation, neuromuscular biomechanics,
modelling and simulation, and animal biomechanics. The deadline for
submission of abstracts is Wednesday 8th September, 1999.

An important source of information for the conference is the
conference web-site located at:


Please take the time to visit the site on a regular basis to keep up
to date with the latest conference information. The conference
web-site contains information on the conference venue, important
dates, abstract submission, registration, accommodation, the social
program and more. Conference registration and accommodation forms can
be downloaded directly from the site.

The conference will run over two full days (Monday 31st
January-Tuesday 1st February) and will include podium and poster
presentations. Awards will be made for best podium presentation, best
poster presentation and best New Investigator. A trade show will be
run in conjunction with the conference program, and a conference
dinner will be held on Tuesday 1st February, 2000.

There is no on-campus accommodation at Griffith University, Gold Coast
however, being such a popular holiday destination, the Gold Coast
caters for all budgets from back packers to five star hotels.
Conference delegates are expected to make their own accommodation
bookings and have the option of selecting from a number of
accommodation packages negotiated by the Organising Committee.

If you have an interest in Motor Control research, you may also wish
to attend the 5th Biennial Motor Control and Human Skill Research
Workshop, which will be hosted by the School of Physiotherapy and
Exercise Science immediately prior to ABC3. A substantial discount is
offered to delegates who attend both conferences.

Further information about the 5th Biennial Motor Control and Human
Skill Research Workshop can be found at:


We look forward to seeing you in sunny Queensland for what will be a
great conference.

Rod Barrett
Chair, Organising Committee

ABC3 Organising Committee:

Rod Barrett (on leave 03/07/99-16/08/99)
School of Physiotherapy & Exercise Science
Griffith University Gold Coast
Phone: +61 (0)7 5594 8934
Fax: +61 (0)7 5594 8674
Email: r.barrett@mailbox.gu.edu au
Teaching homepage: http://www51.gu.edu.au/biomech/biomech.htm

Dr Ricardo Simeoni
School of Physiotherapy & Exercise Science
Griffith University Gold Coast
Phone: +61 (0)7 5594 8451
Fax: +61 (0)7 5594 8674
Email: r.simeoni@mailbox.gu.edu au

Dr Cassius D'Helon
School of Physiotherapy & Exercise Science
Griffith University Gold Coast
Phone: +61 (0)7 5594 8240
Fax: +61 (0)7 5594 8674
Email: c.dhelon@mailbox.gu.edu au

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