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Time measuring systems

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  • Time measuring systems

    Dear All,

    I am posting this request on behalf of a Czech company who need equipment
    for measuring time during races. If you are interested in helping can you
    please contact them direct?

    Many thanks.

    Dear Madam or Sir,

    We are a fast growing company specialising in light current systems with
    residence in the Czech Republic. One of our customers has asked us to
    arrange for him time measuring at one of races he is organising.

    We are interested in quotes for light systems with the following requirements:-

    - 2000 athletes
    - two check points ( start and finish - two places that are not
    identical ) - no intermediate times
    - distance 10 km in a hilly terrain( we can provide radio connection between
    the transceivers )
    - the race will take a place in a city, the start and finish lines will be
    about 10 meters wide ( how many antennas will be needed to cover such width
    ?, there are tram rails and other sources of possible negative
    interference - are they going to cause any problems ??)
    - a possibility to read about 20 chips at once
    - time measuring - in seconds
    - read range of the transceivers about 50 cm
    - since it will be used in the streets, we need it to be mobile system
    meaning it can be easily set and removed from the streets )
    - what are the possibilities of starting ( gunshot, just passing the
    transceiver will start the time measuring for each athlete ??? )
    - the runners will start in groups of 50 - 100 people
    - SW ?

    Thank you very much in advance.
    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best regards,

    Daniela Koberova

    EFG CZ spol. s r.o.
    Prouskova 1724
    511 01 Turnov
    Czech Republic
    tel.: +420 436 311 282
    mobile: +420 603 384 251

    Dr Steve Haake,
    Sports Engineering Research Group,
    Department of Mechanical Engineering,
    The University of Sheffield,
    Mappin Street,
    Sheffield, S1 3JD,
    United Kingdom.

    Tel (+114) 222 7739
    Fax (+114) 222 7853

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