> Special Session for KES2000 Conference.
> Architectures and Applications
> Organiser/Chair : Dr. Arthur Filippidis
> Please Circulate.
> Regards
> Dr. Arthur Filippidis
> System Concepts Group
> DSTO, Land Operations Division
> ph: (08) 8259 5442
> fax: (08) 8259 5624
> Fourth International Conference on
> Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems & Allied
> Technologies
> (http://www.eng.bton.ac.uk/eee/research/kes2000/)
> 30 August-1 September 2000 - University of Brighton, Sussex, U.K.
> Special Session on :
> Architectures and Applications
> Call For Papers
> The special session aims to cover recent practical applications in
> the fusion of various Intelligent
> techniques such as, fuzzy, neural or genetic algorithms, or in
> combination with intelligent agents.
> The session also covers recent advances in knowledge-based
> multisensor or Information fusion
> architectures using a hybrid of various Intelligent techniques, in
> the practical areas such as for example landmine detection, target
> recognition, multispectral image fusion or other image fusion
> applications.
> Topics of the Special Session cover, but are not limited to:
> * Fusion of sensors using Intelligent techniques in areas such as
> target detection, landmines.
> * Combining the use of any Intelligent Agent technology / Fuzzy
> /Neural / and Genetic Algorithms to produce novel hybrid architectures
> used in practical applications
> * Multisensor Data Fusion architectures in practical applications
> using Intelligent techniques.
> * Image or Information Fusion using Intelligent techniques or Agent
> technology.
> * Multispectral fusion of Images or GIS Information using
> Knowledge-based techniques.
> Interested authors must submit 2 copies of their paper to the
> Session Chair by post (prefered method), ( Directly to Dr. A. Filippidis,
> Postal Address below), or email (Word97 or earlier versions only)
> attachments also accepted.
> Submitted papers must comply to the Conference guidelines for
> submission
> (http://www.eng.bton.ac.uk/eee/research/kes2000/).
> All papers will be strictly refereed by at least three experts in
> the field.
> The session papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
> Deadline for Submission: January 20th, 2000
> Acceptance/Rejection Notification: March 20th, 2000
> Camera-ready papers due April 10th, 2000
> Session Chair:
> Dr. Arthur Filippidis
> Defence Science Technology Organisation
> Land Operations Division,
> P.O. Box 1500,
> Salisbury, South Australia,
> 5108, Australia.
> Email: arthur.filippidis@dsto.defence.gov.au
> Regards
> Dr. Arthur Filippidis
> System Concepts Group
> DSTO, Land Operations Division
> ph: (08) 8259 5442
> fax: (08) 8259 5624
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