Dear Biomch-L subscribers,
A group of undergraduate students of mine is working on a
myoelectric system for control of virtual and/or robotic hands.
However, in order to setup the angular templates for the virtual hand,
we need access to a database containing hand joint angles for several
types of movements. Ideally, the data would include angular histories
for all degrees of freedom, but we'd settle for much simpler
configurations. Data limited to specific movements (e.g.,
precision grip, etc.), would be welcome as well.
Is there such a database for public access?
A look through the Biomch-L archives and many other internet sites did
not take us very far.
Many thanks for your time and cooperation!
Francisco Sepulveda, Ph.D. (ISB Member)
Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction (SMI)
Aalborg University - Denmark
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