Dear All
I am after a standard regards defining trunk angle during gait. I wish
to record the trunk angle in sprint runners from the start to full
speed attainment from video obtained using a 2 camera Pan and
Tilt set-up. I can essentially digitise both sides of the body.
>From the literature, I have found trunk angle defined as...
1) hip joint centre to glenohumeral joint centre (I then assume that
trunk angle is the mean attained from both sides of body)
2) the midpoint along a line between the hip joints and the midpoint
along a line between the glenohumeral joints.
3) the midpoint along a line between the hip joints and the
suprasternal notch.
Another option would be
4) the midpoint along a line between the hip joints and C7.
Has anyone come across this problem before ?
I would very much appreciate any advice regards the most suitable
option and will post a summary of the replies I receive.
Many Thanks
Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson (PhD Biomechanics Research)
Manchester Metropolitan University
Dept.of Exercise and Sport Science
Stoke-on-Trent ST7 2HL
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 161 2475470
Fax: +44 161 2476375
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