The doctoral program in the Division of Kinesiology at the University
of Michigan is offering graduate assistantships on a competitive basis
for the Fall 2000 semester. The Division is one of 19 degree-granting
academic units on the Ann Arbor campus. The doctoral program promotes
collaborative research with other disciplines on campus such as
neuroscience, medicine, bioengineering, public health, and the social
sciences. Current research activities within the Division include:

Motor Behavioral and Neuromotor Control

* Effects of aging and disability on sensorimotor control

* Skill acquisition in healthy infants/children and individuals with
movement disorders

* Biomechanical modeling of expressive movement

* Application of dynamic systems theory to motor skill acquisition

Exercise Physiology and Health Behavior

* Effects of exercise on hormonal secretion in post-menopausal women

* Role of exercise and weight management in promoting healthy lifestyle

* Effects of exercise and disease on molecular mechanisms of heart

* Health risk management

Sports Medicine

* Effects of injury and rehabilitation on shoulder function

Cultural, Economic, and Business Aspects of Sport and Physical

* Role of media and society in stereotyping student athletes

* Emotion and attitudes of consumers in the sport and fitness industry

* Mass media policy decisions and sport programming

Detailed information on the Division of Kinesiology, its faculty and
programs is available through the Web at:
www.umich.edu/~divkines/kinweb/ Applications received by March 1,
2000 will be considered in funding decisions. For information and
application materials, please contact:

Carrie Stein, Student Services Associate, Division of Kinesiology,
University of Michigan, 401 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2214
phone 734-764-1343, steinc@umich.edu

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