The Research Lab of the Dept. of Trauma and Reconstructive
Surgery at the Charite Hospital of Berlin has a three-year opening
for a PhD Student starting February/March 2000.

We are a young and dynamic research laboratory with expertise
in areas such as fracture healing, musculo-skeletal loading
and soft tissue trauma.

The project concerns the mechanical conditions in fracture
healing and bone repair. It involves finite element analysis
as well as histomorphometric measurements. The selected
candidate will have access to a state-of-the-art biomechanical
lab (Instron/Zwick), computer analysis lab (SGI, HP), histology
lab as well as histomorphometric equipment (KS300).

We expect a background in mechanics or physics and expierence
in computer analysis such as finite element modeling. Previous
expierence/work in biomechanics is not necessarily required.
Knowledge of the German language is not necessarily
required but foreigners are expected to learn German during their stay.
The payment is according BAT IIa/2, approx. DM 1.800,- per month
after tax.

Interested applicants should submit their CV including records
on educational and research experience as well as references to:

Research Lab, Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery
Dr. Georg Duda
Charite, Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Augustenburger Platz 1
D-13353 Berlin
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Dr.-Ing. Georg Duda
Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery
- Research Laboratory -
Charite, Campus Virchow-Clinic, Humboldt University
Augustenburger Platz 1, D-13 353 Berlin
tel: +49.30.450.59079 (Office) +49.30.450.52032 (Dept.Sec'y)
fax: +49.30.450.59969
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