Hello list members,

We are currently using a radar gun to measure velocity in sprint athletes.
We have managed to collect exceptionally good data (i.e. minimal loss of
signal) from wheelchair athletes and cyclists, and fairly good data from
canoeists. However, when we try to measure velocity in runners, the radar
gun loses signal frequently and the resulting raw data is pretty sketchy.

We think that this might be a reflection issue, with better reflective
surfaces on wheelchair/bike/canoe.

Do any of the list members have any ideas on how we might address the
problem? I had thought of a lightweight vest composed of radar reflective
material that could be worn by the athletes during trials. Is this a valid
idea? Does anyone have any ideas regarding the type of materials we should
be looking at?

Thanks for your time,


David Egan
Exercise Physiologist
National Coaching and Training Centre
University of Limerick
Phone: (061) 202895
Fax: (061) 338174

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