Re: Motor Control School 2012
Reminder Motor Control School
Three weeks are left to apply for the 9-th MOTOR CONTROL SUMMER SCHOOL
We invite bright, open-minded graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and young professionals to apply for admission to the Motor Control Summer School # 9 (MCSS-IX). MCSS-IX will be a five-day event, June 14-18, 2012. It will include an arrival day (June 14), three days of sessions (June 15-17), and a departure day (June 18). We plan to bring together 6-10 faculty and 25-35 students selected from the pool of applicants.
Anatol Feldman: Unified central control of action and perception.
Stan Gielen: Eye-hand coordination.
Slobodan Jaric: Grip force control in static manipulation.
Mark Latash: Synergic control of action.
Mindy Levin: Spasticity: A model of disordered motor control.
Joe McIntyre: To-be-defined.
John Rothwell: Using brain stimulation methods to probe the physiology of motor control from cortex to cerebellum.
Gregor Schöner: Movement preparation, generation, and control: A synthesis.
The program will include interactive seminars led by the faculty. Students are encouraged to interrupt the speakers, ask for clarifications, and raise issues related to their own research. Poster sessions will run throughout the meeting including the evening hours.
Tuition: none.
Each participant will pay his/her expenses. There will be no tuition, and the faculty will receive no compensation for their participation. MCSS has no funds (the total budget is exactly $0) to help with travel costs. All participants will get a formal certificate of attendance to help them get reimbursed through whatever means they have at their disposal.
For the first time, MCSS will take place in Hungary! A preliminary agreement has been reached with a Conference Center in the town of Tihany on lake Balaton. The Center is about 140 km from Budapest. The current rates range from $350 to $450 (approximately, depending on single/double/triple occupancy) for four nights including meals. Please, do not contact the Center and do not make any arrangements until you get an official acceptance letter to join MCSS-IX.
If you would like to participate in MCSS-IX, please e-mail a letter of interest to Mark Latash ( with a single-file PDF attachment containing a statement of personal goals and a c.v. with the list of publications and presentations. If you would like to present a poster, submit a single-page abstract (PDF, font Times New Roman 12, reasonably formatted). Abstract submission is not a pre-requisite for attendance.
THE DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: March 1, 2012. Earlier applications will get preference for admission. Admission decisions will be made by March 20, and those accepted will be notified by e-mail
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Motor Control School 2012
Motor Control School 2012
In Hungary!
We invite bright, open-minded graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and young professionals to apply for admission to the Motor Control Summer School # IX (MCSS-IX). MCSS-IX will be a five-day event, June 14-18, 2012. It will include an arrival day (June 14), three days of sessions (June 15-17), and a departure day (June 18). We plan to bring together 6-10 faculty and 25-35 students selected from the pool of applicants.
Acceptance criteria:
(1) Relevant experience reflected, in particular, in the number and quality of publications;
(2) As a rule, one-two students per research group will be accepted (including the groups led by the faculty);
(3) Preference will be given to productive, advanced graduate students and postdoctoral fellows;
(4) Balanced representation of different sub-areas such as neurophysiology, psychology, biomechanics, modeling, rehabilitation, etc.
The program will include interactive seminars led by the faculty. Students are encouraged to interrupt the speakers, ask for clarifications, and raise issues related to their own research. Poster sessions will run throughout the meeting including the evening hours.
There will be no tutorials; the students should know basic anatomy, muscle physiology, neurophysiology, biomechanics, basic calculus, basic operations with vectors and matrices, statistics, etc. The style of the lectures and discussions will be frank and open.
TUITION: none.
Each participant will pay his/her expenses. There will be no tuition, and the faculty will receive no compensation for their participation. MCSS has no funds (the total budget is exactly $0) to help with travel costs. All participants will get a formal certificate of attendance to help them get reimbursed through whatever means they have at their disposal.
For the first time, MCSS will take place in Hungary! A preliminary agreement has been reached with a Conference Center in the town of Tihany on lake Balaton. The Center is about 140 km from Budapest. The current rates range from $350 to $450 (approximately, depending on single/double/triple occupancy) for four nights including meals. Please, do not contact the Center and do not make any arrangements until you get an official acceptance letter to join MCSS-IX.
The current, preliminary list of faculty includes:
Anatol Feldman, University of Montreal, Canada
Stan Gielen, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Slobodan Jaric, University of Delaware, USA
Mark Latash, Penn State University, USA
Mindy Levin, McGill University, Canada
Joe McIntyre, Descartes University, Paris, France
John Rothwell, University College of London, UK
Gregor Schöner, Rühr University, Bochum, Germany
If you would like to participate in MCSS-IX, please e-mail a letter of interest to Mark Latash ( with a single-file PDF attachment containing a statement of personal goals and a c.v. with the list of publications and presentations. If you would like to present a poster, submit a single-page abstract (PDF, font Times New Roman 12). Abstract submission is not a pre-requisite for attendance.
THE DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: March 1, 2012. Earlier applications will get preference for admission. Admission decisions will be made by March 20, and those accepted will be notified by e-mail.Tags: None
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