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7th EIScsa Congress 14./15. September 2012, Bern, Switzerland:

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  • 7th EIScsa Congress 14./15. September 2012, Bern, Switzerland:

    Welcome to*the EIScsa 2012 congress,*September, 14th and 15th*in Bern, Switzerland:
    "Training in Rehabilitation and Prevention - Current Topics and Trends"

    Why admit the EIScsa-congress 2012?
 The major aim of the European Interdisciplinary Society for Clinical and Sports Application (EIScsa) is to bridge the gap between theoretical, scientific knowledge and the practical fields of application. This is particularly true in the wide range of training and diagnosis in rehabilitation, prevention and sports. Consequently, there is an interdisciplinary cooperation in EIScsa between physiotherapists, sport and movement scientists, athletic coaches, physicians, manufacturers and distributors which guarantees a complex and evidence-based view onto theoretical and practical aspects of training concerning the development and standardization of diagnostics tools, training applications, training devices and training protocols. Even in this 7th EIScsa congress entitled with "Training in Rehabilitation and Prevention - Current Topics and Trends" we expect the presentation of current scientific knowledge and relevant hints for the former mentioned professions and their practical work.

    Congress Webpage:
    Congress Flyer:
    Call for Abstracts:,3791