Dear Colleagues,

As part of the 24th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and
Noise (VIB), 2012 ASME International Design Engineering Technical
Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conferences,
August 12-15, 2012, Chicago, IL, USA, we organize
the Symposium on Dynamics & Control of Bio-Systems (VIB-9).

We would like to invite you to bring your valuable contribution to the
by sending an abstract by February 6, 2012, and the draft paper by
February 20, 2012.
For additional information please find enclosed the Call for Papers.

Submission should follow the guidelines on the conference website


Symposium on
24nd Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise (VIB)
2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and
Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
Chicago, Illinois, USA
August 12-15, 2012

Symposium on Dynamics & Control of Bio-Systems is part of the 24rd
Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise (VIB), 2012 ASME
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers
and Information in Engineering Conferences. This Symposium focuses on
the implementation of various engineering principles in the
conception, design, development, analysis and operation of
biomechanical systems and applications. Authors and presenters are
invited to participate, expand international cooperation, develop
understanding of biomechanical systems, and promote efforts in
implementing engineering principles to bio-systems. Dissemination of
knowledge by presenting research results, new developments, and novel
concepts in developing these systems will serve as the foundation for
this Symposium.
Topics of interest for the Symposium on Dynamics and Control of
Bio-Systems span the area of dynamics and control of biological and
bio-medical systems, and include analytical, computational, and
experimental research on linear and nonlinear systems. Papers focusing
on the following topics are particularly welcome: linear and nonlinear
dynamical phenomena in bio-mechanical systems, bio-mechanical
multi-body systems, dynamics and stability of micro-scale and
nano-scale dynamical bio-systems such as molecular motors, multi-scale
bio-dynamics and molecular modeling of bio-molecules, bio-medical
applications of nonlinear dynamical systems, musculoskeletal dynamics
and control, organ biomechanics, human body kinematics, gait analysis,
medical applications and prosthesis dynamics and control, biomechanics
of joints, dynamical fluid-structure interaction in bio-systems.
Papers in other related topics are also welcome.

Prospective authors should submit an abstract (February 6) and a draft paper (February 20) for
review via the IDETC 2012 website
Upon acceptance a final paper should be submitted by May 18, 2012. Final
papers will be available on CD-ROM at the meeting. Please see the
Conference website for a detailed publication schedule

Sponsored by: Design Engineering Division – Technical Committee on
Vibration and Sound (TCVS), and Applied Mechanics Division – Technical
Committee on Dynamics & Control of Structures and Systems (DCSS)

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Professor Dumitru I. CARUNTU
Mechanical Engineering Department
University of Texas-Pan American
1201 W University Drive
Edinburg, Texas 78539, U.S.A.
Phone: (956) 381 2079
Fax: (956) 381-3527

Professor Bogdan I. EPUREANU
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Michigan
2350 Hayward Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125
Phone: (734) 647-6391
Fax: (734) 615-6647