First International Symposium on Movement Science
University of Los Andes, Santiago Chile, April 20-21, 2012
Venue: Universidad de los Andes, Auditorium C Library building. Apoquindo 2022. Las Condes. Santiago. Chile
It is with pleasure that we announce the First International Symposium on Movement Science in University of Los Andes, Santiago Chile, April 20 and 21, 2012. The symposium is organized by a consortium of Movement Sciences Researchers from Chile with intent to continue this as an annual event.
Day 1 (April 20, 2012) of the symposium will be composed of a series of research talks by invited speakers from Chile, the United States and the United Kingdom. Some of the invited speakers include: Roger Enoka (USA), James Richards (UK), Nina Suresh (USA), Rony Silvestre (Chile), Rodrigo Guzmán (Chile) and Óscar Araneda (Chile).
Day 2 (April 21, 2012) of the symposium will include three interactive workshops:
Work shop 1: Clinical applications of EMG (Dr. James Richards)
Workshop language: English
Summary: The workshop will cover the nature of sEMG signals, the information contained in both the magnitude and frequency domains and the different methods of collecting sEMG. There will be a particular focus on processing techniques and extraction of information from sEMG, with relevance to the clinical application of EMG. This workshop will include hands on experience of the method and measurement techniques commonly used to assess muscle function. The complications and confounding factors that we have to deal with on a day to day basis when using sEMG will also be discussed and explored. This workshop will include a live demonstration of data collection tools, showing how real-time data display and processing can be used to optimize the quality of sEMG data collection
Workshop 2: Using Motor Units EMGs for analysis: From Understanding motor disorders to clinical applications (Dr. Nina Suresh)
Workshop language: English
Summary: This workshop will focus on review of principles and techniques involved in MU analysis from both surface and IM EMG, to discuss the advantages and pitfalls of sEMG MU analysis, and demonstrate the use a novel electrode combined with a robust decomposition algorithm that enables large scale MU decomposition from surface EMG for a variety of applications.
Workshop 3: High Density Electromyography (Dr. Rodrigo Guzman)
Workshop language: Spanish.
Summary: High-Density surface electromyographic is an emerging technique in the study of muscle function. Consists of the use surface electrodes arranged in an array in one or two dimensions. Its use to study the topographic distribution of muscle activity also allows calculation of the conduction velocity of the action potentials of motor units, in different conditions. The high-density electromyography is a tool that could have important clinical applications.
Local Host: Prof. Rodrigo Guzman (
Full Information:
Please follow the link for more information –
Email contacts - Prof. Rodrigo Guzman ( or Delsys staff (
University of Los Andes, Santiago Chile, April 20-21, 2012
Venue: Universidad de los Andes, Auditorium C Library building. Apoquindo 2022. Las Condes. Santiago. Chile
It is with pleasure that we announce the First International Symposium on Movement Science in University of Los Andes, Santiago Chile, April 20 and 21, 2012. The symposium is organized by a consortium of Movement Sciences Researchers from Chile with intent to continue this as an annual event.
Day 1 (April 20, 2012) of the symposium will be composed of a series of research talks by invited speakers from Chile, the United States and the United Kingdom. Some of the invited speakers include: Roger Enoka (USA), James Richards (UK), Nina Suresh (USA), Rony Silvestre (Chile), Rodrigo Guzmán (Chile) and Óscar Araneda (Chile).
Day 2 (April 21, 2012) of the symposium will include three interactive workshops:
Work shop 1: Clinical applications of EMG (Dr. James Richards)
Workshop language: English
Summary: The workshop will cover the nature of sEMG signals, the information contained in both the magnitude and frequency domains and the different methods of collecting sEMG. There will be a particular focus on processing techniques and extraction of information from sEMG, with relevance to the clinical application of EMG. This workshop will include hands on experience of the method and measurement techniques commonly used to assess muscle function. The complications and confounding factors that we have to deal with on a day to day basis when using sEMG will also be discussed and explored. This workshop will include a live demonstration of data collection tools, showing how real-time data display and processing can be used to optimize the quality of sEMG data collection
Workshop 2: Using Motor Units EMGs for analysis: From Understanding motor disorders to clinical applications (Dr. Nina Suresh)
Workshop language: English
Summary: This workshop will focus on review of principles and techniques involved in MU analysis from both surface and IM EMG, to discuss the advantages and pitfalls of sEMG MU analysis, and demonstrate the use a novel electrode combined with a robust decomposition algorithm that enables large scale MU decomposition from surface EMG for a variety of applications.
Workshop 3: High Density Electromyography (Dr. Rodrigo Guzman)
Workshop language: Spanish.
Summary: High-Density surface electromyographic is an emerging technique in the study of muscle function. Consists of the use surface electrodes arranged in an array in one or two dimensions. Its use to study the topographic distribution of muscle activity also allows calculation of the conduction velocity of the action potentials of motor units, in different conditions. The high-density electromyography is a tool that could have important clinical applications.
Local Host: Prof. Rodrigo Guzman (
Full Information:
Please follow the link for more information –
Email contacts - Prof. Rodrigo Guzman ( or Delsys staff (