**** Call for participation at the IEEE BioRob Workshop ****
Modeling locomotion of humans and humanoids
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Organizers: Katja Mombaur, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Jean-Paul Laumond and Philippe Soueres, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France
June 24, 2012 at IEEE BioRob in Rome, Italy
The model-based investigation of dynamic motions of anthropomorphic systems is an important research topic in humanoid robotics, biomechanics and computer animation. Basic locomotion forms such as walking and running is of particular interest due to the high demand on dynamic coordination, actuator efficiency and balance control, as well as steering decisions. Mathematical models and numerical simulation and optimization techniques - in combination with experimental data - can help to better understand and improve the basic underlying mechanisms of healthy and pathological locomotion, e.g. in sports or after an accident or an illness. Mathematical models can also serve to control locomotion of humans walking with a prosthetic device, an orthosis or exoskeleton, or even assist the design of these devices. In addition, models help to do the transfer from recorded human experiments to a humanoid platform in a way that produces feasible motions for the humanoid. There are two different levels at which human and humanoid locomotion can be studied :
• The generation of motions and torques on the joint level which usually is driven by laws of energy consumption, stability, fatigue minimization or the placement of a foot on a given foothold;
• the trajectories of the human or humanoid as a whole in space that are chosen to walk to a given target in free space, to avoid obstacles or interact with other humans or humanoids.
Both topics are represented in this workshop.
The establishment of good locomotion models is a highly interdisciplinary research task. The goal of this full-day workshop at IEEE BioRob 2012 is to gather researchers of all related fields to promote the interdisciplinary discussion.
Confirmed speakers
• Tamim Asfour, KIT, Germany: Whole-Body Motion Generation Based on Motion Primitives
• Armel Crétual, Univ Rennes 2, France: Realistic Modeling of 1 vs. 1 Interactions during Locomotion
• Tamar Flash, Weizman Institute, Israel: Trajectory formation and intersegmental coordination principles during human locomotion
• Martin Giese, University of Tübingen, Germany : Stability in the formation of collective human locomotion patterns
• Jean-Paul Laumond, LAAS-CNRS, France: Locomotion and robotic action space
• Tobias Meilinger, MPI Tübingen, Germany: Modeling errors in human navigation
• Katja Mombaur, University of Heidelberg, Germany: Modeling of fast running motions with prostheses
• Francesco Nori, IIT, Genua, Italy: Modeling crawling locomotion for the iCub robot
• Yann Perrot, CEA, Paris, France: Modeling exoskeletons
• Julien Pettré, INRIA Rennes, France: Realistic Modeling of Follower Locomotion Behavior
• Philippe Souères, LAAS-CNRS, France: A multisensory root as a key principle to simplify the observation and control of anthropomorphic systems
• Manish Sreenivasa, University of Tokyo, Japan: Researching Locomotion: Perspectives, synergies and pitfalls from methods in Neuroscience, Bio-mechanics and Robotics
More information at
Modeling locomotion of humans and humanoids
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Organizers: Katja Mombaur, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Jean-Paul Laumond and Philippe Soueres, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France
June 24, 2012 at IEEE BioRob in Rome, Italy
The model-based investigation of dynamic motions of anthropomorphic systems is an important research topic in humanoid robotics, biomechanics and computer animation. Basic locomotion forms such as walking and running is of particular interest due to the high demand on dynamic coordination, actuator efficiency and balance control, as well as steering decisions. Mathematical models and numerical simulation and optimization techniques - in combination with experimental data - can help to better understand and improve the basic underlying mechanisms of healthy and pathological locomotion, e.g. in sports or after an accident or an illness. Mathematical models can also serve to control locomotion of humans walking with a prosthetic device, an orthosis or exoskeleton, or even assist the design of these devices. In addition, models help to do the transfer from recorded human experiments to a humanoid platform in a way that produces feasible motions for the humanoid. There are two different levels at which human and humanoid locomotion can be studied :
• The generation of motions and torques on the joint level which usually is driven by laws of energy consumption, stability, fatigue minimization or the placement of a foot on a given foothold;
• the trajectories of the human or humanoid as a whole in space that are chosen to walk to a given target in free space, to avoid obstacles or interact with other humans or humanoids.
Both topics are represented in this workshop.
The establishment of good locomotion models is a highly interdisciplinary research task. The goal of this full-day workshop at IEEE BioRob 2012 is to gather researchers of all related fields to promote the interdisciplinary discussion.
Confirmed speakers
• Tamim Asfour, KIT, Germany: Whole-Body Motion Generation Based on Motion Primitives
• Armel Crétual, Univ Rennes 2, France: Realistic Modeling of 1 vs. 1 Interactions during Locomotion
• Tamar Flash, Weizman Institute, Israel: Trajectory formation and intersegmental coordination principles during human locomotion
• Martin Giese, University of Tübingen, Germany : Stability in the formation of collective human locomotion patterns
• Jean-Paul Laumond, LAAS-CNRS, France: Locomotion and robotic action space
• Tobias Meilinger, MPI Tübingen, Germany: Modeling errors in human navigation
• Katja Mombaur, University of Heidelberg, Germany: Modeling of fast running motions with prostheses
• Francesco Nori, IIT, Genua, Italy: Modeling crawling locomotion for the iCub robot
• Yann Perrot, CEA, Paris, France: Modeling exoskeletons
• Julien Pettré, INRIA Rennes, France: Realistic Modeling of Follower Locomotion Behavior
• Philippe Souères, LAAS-CNRS, France: A multisensory root as a key principle to simplify the observation and control of anthropomorphic systems
• Manish Sreenivasa, University of Tokyo, Japan: Researching Locomotion: Perspectives, synergies and pitfalls from methods in Neuroscience, Bio-mechanics and Robotics
More information at