We invite bright, open-minded graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and young professionals to apply for admission to the Motor Control Summer School # X (MCSS-X). MCSS-X will be a five-day event, July 7-11, 2013. It will include an arrival day (July 7), three days of sessions (July 8-10), and a departure day (July 11).

To celebrate the Tenth MCSS, many of the previous speakers will come and turn this meeting into a jazz session on a few major motor control themes. Each 3-hour session will include a topic for improvisation introduced by a “main speaker” followed by improvisations from the panel of 3-4 “discussants” (certainly interrupted by the audience, as in all previous MCSS meetings).

The following speakers expressed their interest in joining MCSS-X:

Alexander Aruin (Univ. of Illinois, Chicago)

Tim Cope (Wright Univ.)

Daniel Corcos (Univ. of Illinois, Chicago)

Anatol Feldman (Univ. of Montreal)

Ziaul Hasan (Univ. of Illinois, Chicago)

CJ Heckman (Northwestern Univ.)

Slobodan Jaric (Univ. of Delaware)

Mark Latash (Penn State Univ.)

Mindy Levin (McGill Univ.)

Brad McFadyen (Univ. of Laval)

Richard Nichols (Emory Univ.)

David Ostry (McGill Univ.)

Monica Perez (Univ. of Pittsburgh)

John Rothwell (Univ. College of London)

Zev Rymer (Northwestern Univ.)

Robert Sainburg (Penn State Univ.)

Marc Schieber (Univ. of Rochester)

John Scholz (Univ. of Delaware)

Gregor Schöner (Ruhr Univ.)

Jeroen Smeets (Free Univ.)

Dagmar Sternad (Northeastern Univ.)

David Vaillancourt (Univ. of Florida)

Vladimir Zatsiorsky (Penn State Univ.)

Students are encouraged to interrupt the speakers, ask for clarifications, and raise issues related to their own research. Poster sessions will run throughout the meeting including the evening hours.

Tuition: none.

Each participant will pay his/her expenses. There will be no tuition, and the speakers will receive no compensation for their participation. MCSS has no funds (the total budget is exactly $0) to help with travel costs. All participants will get a formal certificate of attendance to help them get reimbursed through whatever means they have at their disposal.


We are back to the "Antiochian Village" in the Laurel Mountains area of Pennsylvania. The Center is about 90 min of driving from the Pittsburgh International Airport. The closest town is Ligonier, PA. The current rates range from $350 to $450 (approximately, depending on single/double/triple occupancy) for four nights including all meals. Please, do not contact the Center and do not make any arrangements until you get an official acceptance letter to join MCSS-X.

If you would like to participate in MCSS-X, please e-mail a letter of interest to Mark Latash (latash@psu.edu) with a single-file PDF attachment containing a statement of personal goals and a c.v. with the list of publications and presentations. If you would like to present a poster, submit a single-page abstract (PDF, font Times New Roman 12, reasonably formatted). Abstract submission is not a pre-requisite for attendance.

Because of the unusually large number of speakers, the number of admitted students will be smaller than in previous MCSS meetings.

THE DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: March 1, 2013. Earlier applications will get preference for admission. Admission decisions will be made by March 20, and those accepted will be notified by e-mail.