International Conference on Fall Prevention and Protection 2013
The IEA Technical Committee on Slips Trips and Falls and National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan would like to invite you to submit abstracts for presentations at the International Conference on Fall Prevention and Protection 2013.
The conference will be held on 23th - 25th October 2013 at the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (JNIOSH), Tokyo, Japan. An optional tour of part of the JNIOSH will be offered at the end of the conference.
The Conference will provide a technical forum on various aspects of fall prevention and protection including slips, trips. Safety researchers and others around the world will present their latest work and exchange research ideas. Papers that address industrial safety (construction, manufacturing, tertiary industries), safety at home and safety during leisure-time are all welcomed. To reduce injuries & fatalities due to falls, slips and trips, we are particularly interested in papers on practical analysis, accident investigation, case studies, risk-assessment, design, architecture, flooring, footwear, cleaning, human factors, success stories, falls from vehicles and steps & stairs.
Abstract submission: 19 April, 2013
Acceptance notification: 3 May, 2013
Full paper due: 14 July, 2013
Conference: 23th - 25th October, 2013
Prof. Kobayashi Kenji
Dr. Nagata Hisao
Mr. Takahashi Hajime
Mr. Nawata Hideki
Dr. Toyosawa Yasuo
Dr. Ohdo Katsutoshi
Dr. Thorpe, Steve (U.K.)
Dr. Chang, Wen-Ruey (U.S.A.)
Information about this conference can be found at Please contact Dr. Toyosawa (, Dr. Ohdo ( or Dr. Chang ( for further information.