(Sorry about cross-postings to multiple lists.)
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Interdisciplinary College 2013: "Wicked Problems, Complexity and Wisdom"
15.-22. March 2013, Günne at Lake Möhne, Germany
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The Interdisciplinary College (IK) is an annual, intense one-week spring school which offers a dense state-of-the-art course program in neurobiology, neural computation, cognitive science/psychology, artificial intelligence, robotics and philosophy. It is aimed at students, postgraduates and researchers from academia and industry. By combining humanities, science and technology, the IK endeavours to intensify dialogue and connectedness between the various disciplines. Participants come mainly from European countries, lecturers from all over the world. Courses include up-to-date introductions to the main fields of the IK, as well as an in-depth treatment of focus topic, which is changing from year to year.
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Focus Theme 2013: "Wicked Problem Solving and Wisdom"
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Each IK has a special focus theme, which is addressed by about 60 % of the material taught at an IK.
Wisdom is regarded as the highest cognitive-emotional-social problem-solving capacity of a human being, often related with life experiences, solving wicked problems and coping with complexity. While philosophers are those who love wisdom it is not taken as a scientific task to study it nowadays. Also in the cognitive sciences wisdom is usually not mentioned and not studied. While already higher cognitive functions are looked at very sceptic by many neuroscientists wisdom is beyond imagination to become a research target in the neurosciences. And in AI wisdom is far away from being considered by any means.
However, there are accepted approaches in all of the above mentioned disciplines where wisdom is not as far aside as you may think. Under the topic of complex problem solving, decision support systems, or planning under resource constraints some of those aspects are studied which seem to be relevant for wisdom too. And there are more and more real world problems which ask for more appropriate support for decision making and also explanatory models for the human capacity to cope with complex problems and situations like how to find acceptable and working strategies for planning urban landscapes, the expected climate change, how to find practical solutions for large infrastructure projects like energy supply, how to reduce social and economic injustice, etc.
The focus theme "Wicked Problems, Complexity & Wisdom" for the Interdisciplinary College IK2013 tries to collect and present actual work on wisdom, complex problem solving, system complexity, decision support, and complex planning both theoretical and practical. The main focus would be on how to model and to explain the human capacity to create and solve complex problems from different disciplinary perspectives.
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• Ardelt, Monika (University of Florida, USA)
• Bach, Joscha (Humboldt University of Berlin and Hotheaven AG Berlin)
• Barendregt, Henk (Radboud University Nijmegen and Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies, The Netherlands)
• Blech, Christine (University of Hagen)
• Büschges, Ansgar (University of Cologne)
• Grahn, Jessica (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
• Gruhn, Sylvia (University of Cologne)
• Jameson, Anthony (DFKI, Saarbrücken)
• Kirsch, Alexandra (Eberhard Karls University Tübingen)
• Körding, Konrad (Northwestern University, USA)
• Kühnberger, Kai-Uwe (University of Osnabrück)
• Kwisthout, Johan (Radboud University Nijmegen and Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, The Netherlands)
• Latoschik, Marc Erich (Würzburg University)
• Linden, Michael (Charité University Medicine Berlin)
• Pipa, Gordon (University of Osnabrück)
• Rempis, Christian (University of Osnabrück)
• Römmer-Nossek, Brigitte (University of Vienna, Austria)
• Rothkopf, Constantin (University of Osnabrück and FIAS, Goethe University Frankfurt)
• Schilling, Malte (University of Bielefeld)
• Schmid, Ute (University of Bamberg)
• Spitzer, Manfred (University of Ulm)
• Stephan, Achim (University of Osnabrück)
• Stergiou, Nicholas (University of Nebraska at Omaha and University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA)
• Trueblood, Jennifer (University of California at Irvine, USA)
• Vosgerau, Gottfried (University of Bielefeld)
• Wilutzky, Wendy (University of Osnabrück)
• Zimmermann, Elisabeth (University of Vienna, Austria)
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Evening Lecturers
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• Michael von Brück (requested; LMU Munich)
• Holk Cruse (University of Bielefeld)
• Alex Kacelnik (University of Oxford)
• Thomas May (German Council of Science and Humanities)
• Wolf Singer (FIAS, Goethe University Frankfurt and MPI for Brain Research, Frankfurt)
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Program, Venue & Registration
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Details concerning the program of IK 2013, registration deadlines and options for funding support/stipends are available from: http://www.interdisciplinary-college.de
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• Bettina Bläsing, University of Bielefeld
• Thomas Christaller, Former Director of IAIS, St. Augustin
• Gert Scobel, Oberreifenberg
Conference Management
• Christine Harms (ccHa, Conference Manager)
• Tarek R. Besold (University of Osnabrück)
Executive Committee
• Christian Becker-Asano (University of Freiburg)
• Bettina Bläsing (University of Bielefeld)
• Till Bockemühl (University of Cologne)
• Ansgar Büschges (University of Cologne)
• Thomas Christaller (Former Director of IAIS, St. Augustin)
• Fred Hamker (Chemnitz Institute of Technology)
• Katja Hellekes (University of Cologne)
• Herbert Jaeger (Jacobs University Bremen)
• Stefan Kopp (University of Bielefeld)
• Nicole Krämer (University of Duisburg-Essen)
• Edward Large (Florida Atlantic University)
• Justin London (Carleton College)
• Rainer Malaka (University of Bremen)
• Robert Porzel (University of Bremen)
• Dirk Reichardt (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg)
• Gregor Schöner (Ruhr-University Bochum)
• Gert Scobel (Oberreifenberg)
• Manfred Spitzer (University of Ulm)
• Astrid von der Pütten (University of Duisburg-Essen)
• Ipke Wachsmuth (University of Bielefeld)
• Julien Vitay (Chemnitz Institute of Technology)
• Elisabeth Zimmermann (University of Vienna)
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The IK 2013 is generously supported with funds from:
• Fritz Thyssen Foundation ( http://www.fritz-thyssen-stiftung.de/ )
•EUCogIII ( http://www.eucognition.org/ )
• Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft ( http://www.gk-ev.de/ )
• Fraunhofer IAIS ( http://www.iais.fraunhofer.de/ )
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