Dr. Merlo’s Unlocking the Mysteries of EMG Webinar Series provides a solid groundwork for using EMG correctly and confidently in any laboratory setting. To further the practical applications, we are also offering this two-part webinar series on how to use his techniques within Visual3D. We will walk users through how to perform the calculations and apply the filters illustrated by Dr. Merlo and then how to display that data in the most relevant way for each lab’s specific purposes.

This two-part series will broadcast live online at these times:

Part I – 6PM CET on March 26th
Part II – 6PM CET on March 28th

Register for Unlocking the Mysteries of EMG in Visual3D

Other upcoming and ongoing webinar series you may be interested in:
Visual3D Basics Webinar Series - March 11-14, 2013 at 10 AM CET
Unlocking the Mysteries of EMG with Andrea Merlo - March 12th, 14th, 19th, and 21st, 2013 at 6PM CET
Visual3D Expert Builder Series - Mondays at 6PM CET

Please note all times are CET (Central European Time)