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ISB-ISEK Joint Workshop: Neurophysiology meets Biomechanics
XXIV Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics
August 4 – 9, 2013.
Natal, Rio Grande do Notre, Brazil
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Workshop Abstract:
Understanding human movement implies decoding the complex dynamics of the neural drive to muscles. This comprises discrete events, generated in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that ultimately determine the excitation of the recruited muscles and the subsequent production of muscle forces and joint movement. Decoding the dynamics of the neural drive to muscles is crucial to understand the interface between the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Deciphering this process will provide insights on how events at the neurophysiologic level are associated with events at the musculoskeletal level and vice versa. Furthermore, it is crucial for enabling a number of applications with a substantial impact on the society ranging from the treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders to the control of assistive devices for movement restoration.
To achieve these goals it is first of all necessary to be able to collect an experimental measurement of the neural drive to muscles. Then, it is necessary to couple these measurements to physiologically accurate computational models of the human musculoskeletal system. This will allow modeling the actions of muscles on the skeletal system as controlled by the nervous system. We will refer to this process as "neuromusculoskeletal modeling".
This workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of the techniques used for assessing the neural drive to muscles and the resulting mechanical function of muscles and joints in human individuals. Furthermore, the workshop will feature a demonstration of advanced algorithms for the prediction of muscle and joint dynamics in humans. The workshop will bridge between the fields of neurophysiology and biomechanics, which are embodied by the two scientific societies ISEK (http://www.isek-online.org/) and ISB (http://isbweb.org/) with invited speakers (Prof. Dario Farina and Prof. David G. Lloyd) from each society.
Dario Farina, PhD. University Medical Center Goettingen. Germany
David G. Lloyd, PhD. Griffith University. Australia
Massimo Sartori, PhD. University Medical Center Goettingen.
Monica Reggiani, PhD. University of Padova. Italy.
ISB-ISEK Joint Workshop: Neurophysiology meets Biomechanics
XXIV Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics
August 4 – 9, 2013.
Natal, Rio Grande do Notre, Brazil
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Workshop Abstract:
Understanding human movement implies decoding the complex dynamics of the neural drive to muscles. This comprises discrete events, generated in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that ultimately determine the excitation of the recruited muscles and the subsequent production of muscle forces and joint movement. Decoding the dynamics of the neural drive to muscles is crucial to understand the interface between the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Deciphering this process will provide insights on how events at the neurophysiologic level are associated with events at the musculoskeletal level and vice versa. Furthermore, it is crucial for enabling a number of applications with a substantial impact on the society ranging from the treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders to the control of assistive devices for movement restoration.
To achieve these goals it is first of all necessary to be able to collect an experimental measurement of the neural drive to muscles. Then, it is necessary to couple these measurements to physiologically accurate computational models of the human musculoskeletal system. This will allow modeling the actions of muscles on the skeletal system as controlled by the nervous system. We will refer to this process as "neuromusculoskeletal modeling".
This workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of the techniques used for assessing the neural drive to muscles and the resulting mechanical function of muscles and joints in human individuals. Furthermore, the workshop will feature a demonstration of advanced algorithms for the prediction of muscle and joint dynamics in humans. The workshop will bridge between the fields of neurophysiology and biomechanics, which are embodied by the two scientific societies ISEK (http://www.isek-online.org/) and ISB (http://isbweb.org/) with invited speakers (Prof. Dario Farina and Prof. David G. Lloyd) from each society.
Dario Farina, PhD. University Medical Center Goettingen. Germany
David G. Lloyd, PhD. Griffith University. Australia
Massimo Sartori, PhD. University Medical Center Goettingen.
Monica Reggiani, PhD. University of Padova. Italy.