- Info day: A biomedical view inside the human body - Musculosceletal computation with the AnyBody Modeling System
- 02. Apr. 2014
- Josef-Engert-Str. 9, Biopark I, Regensburg, Germany
- cost free
- Language: German, can be held in English, if requested
Event website: http://rcbe.de/muskuloskelettale-berechnungen/ (German)
You will be introduced to the basics of musculosceletal computation with the AnyBody Modeling System. Interface possibilities and applications will be shown.
The AnyBody Modeling System is a simulation software for computation of the human musculosceletal system. Muscular and joint forces of everyday motions can be analyzed, so the application spectrum is very wide. Problems in Ergonomics, Orthopedics, Trauma Surgery or Sports can be analyzed and answered.
We would like to see you here in Regensburg. If you have any questions, please contact me under: alexander.leis (AT) oth-regensburg.de