Due to many requests the deadline has been extended to March 31, 2014 for the
submission of the extended abstract (one A4 page)
Wearable Robotics for motion Assistance and rehabilitation - RoboAssist 2014
An interactive poster presentation session will be held during RoboAssist 2014
and will provide an opportunity to young researchers (PhD students and posdocs)
to present their works-in-progress. Topics of interest are the same as the
research topics of RoboAssist 2014 (see below). Presenting a poster is a great
opportunity to obtain interesting and valuable feedback on ongoing research
from a knowledgeable crowd at the Workshop.
A single page description should be submitted by email to the organizers
(emails below) no later than March 16, 2014. Notification for poster acceptance
will be sent on March 31, 2014. Priority will be given for Phd students,
Postdocs and industry/start-up organization. Accepted posters must be presented
at the poster session of the workshop.
Submission of one A4 page: March 31, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: April 07, 2014
Workshop: June 5, 2014
Workshop URL: http://roboassist2014.com/
This workshop aims at contributing to discuss the state of the art and the
future trends of the use of wearable robotics for motion assistance and
rehabilitation. Starting from the analysis of case-studies related to upper-
and lower-limb wearable robots for functional motion assistance, rehabilitation
or augmentation, this workshop aims at identifying major scientific and
technological challenges, as well as the breakthroughs still needed to achieve
the development of wearable robots endowed with advanced human-robot
interaction modalities. More than ten experts will present selected recent
case-studies related to basic enabling technologies or design methodologies.
Experts will be renowned representatives of the different scientific fields
contributing to the advancement of wearable robotics, such as: robotics,
mechatronics, bio-mechanics, biomedical and rehabilitation engineering,
mechanical engineering, control and system engineering.
This workshop on Wearable Robotics for motion Assistance and rehabilitation -
RoboAssist 2014 will be held on the 5th of June, 2014, at the Hong Kong
Convention and Exhibition Center, Hong Kong, China,, in conjunction with
* Neurorobotics;
* EMG Signal Processing and Applications;
* Neurological Disorders and Rehabilitation;
* Neuro-interface Prosthetic Devices;
* Exoskeletons, actuated orthosis and prostheses;
* Mechatronic design and control of human movements;
* Cognitive/physical interaction paradigms for assistive robotics;
* Human–robot multimodal interaction paradigms;
* Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in robotics for neuro-rehabilitation and
motion assistance.
* Prof. Robert Riener, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
* Prof. Dirk Lefeber, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium
* Prof. Herman van der Kooij, University of Twente, The Netherlands
* Prof. Eugenio Guglielmelli, Università Campus Biomedico di Roma, Italy
* Prof. Auke Ijspeert, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
* Prof. Thomas Schauer, Technische Universtät Berlin, Berlin, Germany
* Dr. Jan Veneman, Tecnalia, Spain
* Dr. Tierry Keller, Tecnalia, Spain
* Prof. Dario Farina, University Medical Center Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany
* Prof. Kin Huat Low, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
* Prof. Kyoungchul Kong, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea
* Prof. José L. Pons, CSIC, Spain
* Prof. Sunil Agrawal, Columbia University, USA
* Nicola Vitiello, BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Italy
* Samer Mohammed, University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), France
* Juan Moreno, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
submission of the extended abstract (one A4 page)
Wearable Robotics for motion Assistance and rehabilitation - RoboAssist 2014
An interactive poster presentation session will be held during RoboAssist 2014
and will provide an opportunity to young researchers (PhD students and posdocs)
to present their works-in-progress. Topics of interest are the same as the
research topics of RoboAssist 2014 (see below). Presenting a poster is a great
opportunity to obtain interesting and valuable feedback on ongoing research
from a knowledgeable crowd at the Workshop.
A single page description should be submitted by email to the organizers
(emails below) no later than March 16, 2014. Notification for poster acceptance
will be sent on March 31, 2014. Priority will be given for Phd students,
Postdocs and industry/start-up organization. Accepted posters must be presented
at the poster session of the workshop.
Submission of one A4 page: March 31, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: April 07, 2014
Workshop: June 5, 2014
Workshop URL: http://roboassist2014.com/
This workshop aims at contributing to discuss the state of the art and the
future trends of the use of wearable robotics for motion assistance and
rehabilitation. Starting from the analysis of case-studies related to upper-
and lower-limb wearable robots for functional motion assistance, rehabilitation
or augmentation, this workshop aims at identifying major scientific and
technological challenges, as well as the breakthroughs still needed to achieve
the development of wearable robots endowed with advanced human-robot
interaction modalities. More than ten experts will present selected recent
case-studies related to basic enabling technologies or design methodologies.
Experts will be renowned representatives of the different scientific fields
contributing to the advancement of wearable robotics, such as: robotics,
mechatronics, bio-mechanics, biomedical and rehabilitation engineering,
mechanical engineering, control and system engineering.
This workshop on Wearable Robotics for motion Assistance and rehabilitation -
RoboAssist 2014 will be held on the 5th of June, 2014, at the Hong Kong
Convention and Exhibition Center, Hong Kong, China,, in conjunction with
* Neurorobotics;
* EMG Signal Processing and Applications;
* Neurological Disorders and Rehabilitation;
* Neuro-interface Prosthetic Devices;
* Exoskeletons, actuated orthosis and prostheses;
* Mechatronic design and control of human movements;
* Cognitive/physical interaction paradigms for assistive robotics;
* Human–robot multimodal interaction paradigms;
* Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in robotics for neuro-rehabilitation and
motion assistance.
* Prof. Robert Riener, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
* Prof. Dirk Lefeber, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium
* Prof. Herman van der Kooij, University of Twente, The Netherlands
* Prof. Eugenio Guglielmelli, Università Campus Biomedico di Roma, Italy
* Prof. Auke Ijspeert, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
* Prof. Thomas Schauer, Technische Universtät Berlin, Berlin, Germany
* Dr. Jan Veneman, Tecnalia, Spain
* Dr. Tierry Keller, Tecnalia, Spain
* Prof. Dario Farina, University Medical Center Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany
* Prof. Kin Huat Low, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
* Prof. Kyoungchul Kong, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea
* Prof. José L. Pons, CSIC, Spain
* Prof. Sunil Agrawal, Columbia University, USA
* Nicola Vitiello, BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Italy
* Samer Mohammed, University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), France
* Juan Moreno, CSIC, Madrid, Spain