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WeRob2014 International Workshop on Wearable Robotics, Contributions: April 15

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  • Rafael Raya
    Re: WeRob2014 International Workshop on Wearable Robotics, Contributions: April 15


    We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement


    2014 International Workshop on Wearable Robotics

    Baiona, (Spain)

    September 14-19


    Dear colleagues,

    We would like to inform you that the submission deadline for contributions has been extended to May 1.Extended abstracts (2 pages) contributions are welcome. All contributions will be peer reviewed and accepted contributions will appear in the Conference Proceedings.

    For further and up-to-date information, please visit the conference website:

    2014 International Workshop on Wearable Robotics Organization

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  • WeRob2014 International Workshop on Wearable Robotics, Contributions: April 15

    Dear colleagues,

    It is our pleasure to invite you to the 2014 International Workshop on Wearable Robotics (WeRob2014) that will take place in Baiona (Spain) from September 14 to 19 of 2014.

    WeRob2014 is organised by the Bioengineering Group at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Cullen College of Engineering at the University of Houston, the Tecnológico de Monterrey, the University of Twente. International speakers from academia, government, industry, medical centers, and end users will discuss challenges and potential solutions leading to the development of wearable robotics technologies supporting advanced therapeutic interventions in major neurological diseases.

    We are looking forward to welcoming you in Baiona September 2014!

    - Important deadlines -

    Short Abstract (extended abstract (2 pages) contributions are welcome): April 15, 2014
    Notification: May 15, 2014
    Final Submission: June 15, 2014
    Payment: July 1, 2014

    - Sessions –

    - Opening Ceremony : Robot Suits for the Long-Lived and Healthy Society (with demonstration of HAL exoskeleton) by Prof. Yoshiyuki Sankai
    - International Consensus on Clinical Application Scenarios for Wearable Robots-
    o Dr. Marco Molinari, FSL, Italy
    o Prof. A. Esquenazi, John Otto Haas Chair
    o Dr. Robert Grossman, The Methodist Hospital Research Institute.
    o Prof. Z. Rymer, Chicago Rehabilitation Institute
    o Prof. V. Dietz, Balgrist University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
    o Dr. A. Gil-Agudo, HNPT, Toledo, Spain

    - International Consensus on Neural Interfacing with WRs-
    o Prof. J. del R. Millán, EPFL, Switzerland
    o Prof. J.M. Azorín, UMH, Spain
    o Prof. Jose Contreras-Vidal, University of Houston, TX
    o Prof. Seong-Whan Lee, Korea University
    o Prof. D. Farina, University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany

    - International Consensus on Benchmarking, Regulatory aspects-
    o Dr. J. Veneman, Tecnalia, Spain
    o Prof. G. Virk, KTH Royal Inst of Tech
    o Prof. Robert Riener
    o Mr. F. Thorsteinsson, Ossur, Iceland
    o Dr. D. Torricelli, CSIC, Spain.

    - International consensus on Design Challenges of Wearable Robots-
    o Prof. H. van der Kooij, University of Twente, The Netherlands
    o Prof. R. Riener, Sensory-Motor Systems Lab, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
    o Prof. Sankai, Tsukuba University and Cyberdyne
    o Prof. D. Lefeber, VUB, Belgium
    o Prof. C. Walsh, Harvard, USA
    o Prof. Catherine Billiard, CEA, France
    - Panel discussion: International research opportunities for international cooperative projects-
    o Mrs. T. de Martino, European Commission, Communications Networks, Content and
    o Dr. C. Klein, European Commission, Research Programme Office Robotics
    o NSF representative (National Robotics Initiative)
    o NIH representative (National Robotics Initiative)
    o DARPA representative

    - International consensus on Translational and Industrial/Market Challenges/Opportunities
    o Mr. M. Oddsson, Ossur, Iceland
    o Mr. A. Espinosa, GTEC, Austria
    o Dr. D. Gaebler, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
    o Presentation of Brain products
    o Dr. E. Rocon, Spanish National Council for Science Research, Spain
    - International consensus on Advanced Control Methods for Wearable robots
    o Dr. J. Moreno, CSIC
    o Dr. N. Vitielo, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
    o Prof. S. Shimoda, Riken
    o Prof. D. Reinkensmeyer, UC Irvine
    o Prof. J. Buchli, ETH Zürich (To be confirmed)
    o Prof. G. Virk, KTH Royal Inst of Tech.

    - Sponsors -
    CSIC-Technaid S.L., H2 exoskeleton
    Rexbionics, Richard Little, CEO
    University of Korea