The Organizing Committee for the International Calgary Running Symposium reminds you that the abstracts submissions deadline is April 30th, 2014. Abstracts will be accepted from any interested party on the topic of running.
All abstracts must be a maximum of 250 words, single spaced, with no more than one table and one figure, in Microsoft Word™ format. Email your submission to
Or use the link on the website:
All submissions will receive a response by May 17th, 2014.

The Organizing Committee is also pleased let you know that we have been able to secure over 20 of the most influential running experts in the world to speak at the Symposium. Speakers include leaders in the industry and academia, ensuring a comprehensive coverage on the topic of running, combining international leading experts from all areas of running research, business, journalism and coaching.

Walter Herzog, Conference Chairman

Sandro Nigg, Conference Treasurer
Direct: 403-210-6729 ׀ Fax: 403-284-3553 ׀ Email: