Come and join us at ECSS Annual Congress 2014 in Amsterdam, NL Satellite for the free Workshop:
Performance Assessment with Force Plates - Bringing Science to Practice
Wed 2. July 2014, 10:30-12:00, room G-104
Introductory lecture:
»How can the measurement of ground reaction force be used to accurately assess the performance in balance, stability and power?«
Overview over research, methods, tools and fields of application
presented by: Dr. Sc. Nejc Šarabon, University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, Slovenia
Hands on workshop on four demo stations:
»Power, Stability, Speed testing for better training and injury prevention«
Workshop Power:
Testing maximal power and power endurance using squat jump, counter-movement jump, drop jump and others.
Workshop Balance:
Testing balance in upright quiet stance with and without tasks.
Workshop Locomotion:
Testing components of the ground reaction force during some basic tasks of locomotion such as normal walking, chair rising, outstep, squat.
Workshop Reporting:
Quickly review the results, make final reports and prepare report templates for quick serial reporting.