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Motek Medical 'Virtual Reality' presentation at WCB, Wednesday July 9th at 12:30 PM

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  • Motek Medical 'Virtual Reality' presentation at WCB, Wednesday July 9th at 12:30 PM

    You are invited to the Motek Medical
    Virtual Reality presentation.
    Wednesday July 9th, 12:30 to 2:00 PM

    Sheraton Boston Hotel
    (right next to Hynes Convention Center)

    Prudential Center, 39 Dalton Street
    In the Hampton Room on the 3rd floor
    Lunch is included

    Besides presenting our products we would like to share a number of research projects Motek Medical is involved in. The unique combination of cutting edge rehabilitation technologies and Motek Medical’s D-Flow software platform opens up a whole new field of advanced research possibilities.

    Movable platforms, instrumented treadmills, motion capture systems, electromyography and a range of other hardware can be combined with an interactive and dynamic Virtual Reality environment. Custom application development creating situations in which subjects experience perturbations of the physical and/or virtual world while patient specific responses are recorded. A number of our research projects focus on the real-time musculoskeletal Human Body Model, which can be used as a plug-in for D-Flow to process kinematic, kinetic, and muscle activation data in real-time. Come to our workshop to discuss and find out how your own research questions could be answered using D-Flow, GRAIL, DynSTABLE or your own configuration of a CAREN system.

    Sign up at the
    Motek Medical Table Top Exhibit (#8) at the World Congress of Biomechanics, or send an email to

    We look forward to seeing you.

    Elisabeth Wessels
    VP Marketing and Sales
    Motek Medical
    Phone: +1-703-340-0314

    Last edited by Froukje Smulders; July 3, 2014, 08:14 PM.