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Qualisys / CNRFR - Rehazenter Workshop | June 5, 2015 | Luxembourg

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  • Qualisys / CNRFR - Rehazenter Workshop | June 5, 2015 | Luxembourg

    Qualisys / CNRFR - Rehazenter Workshop | June 5, 2015 | Luxembourg

    We hereby cordially invite you to the Qualisys upcoming workshop at the CNRFR - Rehazenter in June 5th at Luxembourg. The host of the meeting will be the CNRFR - Rehazenter gait lab team.

    The format will follow last year’s successful workshops at the CNRFR - Rehazenter, where almost 20 participants from 10 different labs attended, and bringing like-minded Qualisys users together. This year, we would like to discuss about the potential coupled use of motion capture systems and virtual reality for clinical rehabilitation purposes. We will demonstrate the new functions for real-time feedback and we will include more user/case presentations and hands on testing with practical experiments.

    The program of this workshop will be:

    - Specific needs about the use of virtual reality for clinical rehabilitation
    Vincent Arnould & Gilles Areno, Physiotherapists
    CNRFR – Rehazenter, 1 rue André Vésale, L-2674 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

    - Virtual rehabilitation: « The Liverpool story »
    Gabor Barton (M.D., Ph.D.), Reader in Biomechanics
    Research Institute for Sport and Exercice Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool L3 3AF, United Kingdom

    - A new modality for the orofacial rehabilitation in cerebral palsy based on the use of an interactive avatar
    Armel Crétual (Ph.D.) Associate professor
    Laboratoire Mouvement, Sport, Santé (M2S), EA 1274, Université Rennes 2 – ENS Rennes, Campus de Ker Lann, avenue Robert Schuman, 35170 Bruz

    - Emotion states impact action kinematic
    Yannick Wamain (Ph.D.) Postdoctoral fellowship
    SCALab, CNRS, UMR 9193, Université de Lille, France, Domaine Universitaire du Pont de Bois, BP 149, 59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq

    If your are interested in this workshop, please send an email to:
    Florent Moissenet -
    Erik Westerström -

    Kind regards,
    CNRFR - Rehazenter gait lab team and Qualisys Motion Capture systems.