Title: OpenSim for Muscle-Driven Multibody Dynamics and Control: Overview and Hands On Example
We invite all CMBBE participants to take part in the OpenSim workshop on Thursday, September 3rd from 3:25 to 5:30pm. The workshop features a hands-on an example where participants will be led through the process of performing forward dynamic simulations of movement that include contact modeling and muscle stretch reflexes. The workshop will also highlight recent OpenSim advances and current research. The tutorial will be led by Ian Stavness (University of Saskatchewan), Matt DeMers, and James Dunne (Stanford University) and is open to participants of all backgrounds
Read more on the OpenSim events page:
Register through the CMBBE website:
For any questions, contact James Dunne at james.dunne@stanford.edu
We invite all CMBBE participants to take part in the OpenSim workshop on Thursday, September 3rd from 3:25 to 5:30pm. The workshop features a hands-on an example where participants will be led through the process of performing forward dynamic simulations of movement that include contact modeling and muscle stretch reflexes. The workshop will also highlight recent OpenSim advances and current research. The tutorial will be led by Ian Stavness (University of Saskatchewan), Matt DeMers, and James Dunne (Stanford University) and is open to participants of all backgrounds
Read more on the OpenSim events page:
Register through the CMBBE website:
For any questions, contact James Dunne at james.dunne@stanford.edu