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Workshop: Advanced Biomedical Modelling: From Image to Simulation

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  • Workshop: Advanced Biomedical Modelling: From Image to Simulation

    Wednesday Oct 28th, 2015
    Hayes Mansion, San Jose, CA
    Organised by SIMULIA West Region

    This full-day seminar will be held the day before the SIMULIA West Regional User Meeting. This seminar will showcase the seamless integration between Simpleware ScanIP and SIMULIA Abaqus. The morning will consist of technical presentations from leaders in the biomedical engineering field followed by an afternoon of hands-on training. The afternoon training will feature a heart model workflow from start to finish using both ScanIP and Abaqus. The goal of this seminar is to highlight the exciting new opportunities now possible in the biomedical engineering field and provide detailed instruction on how to use realistic simulation to move us closer personalized health care products and services.

    Why attend?

    Advances in medical imaging have opened up a new era of multiphysics simulation of human and other natural forms. With this non-CAD simulation market beginning to explode, SIMULIA and Simpleware want to educate those in the medical or related industries on the benefits of our integrated solutions. At a high level, Simpleware’s software is tuned to take image data to create 3D meshes directly, which easily import into Abaqus.

    Fee: free-to-attend


    9:30 – 12:30 Technical Presentations
    12:30 – 1:30 Lunch
    1:30 – 5:00 Hands-on Workshop


    The seminar is free but pre-registration is required as places are limited.

    Register here