International Symposium on the Neuromechanics of Human Movement
4-6th October, 2016
Heidelberg, Germany
Deadline for (poster) abstract submissions: 30th April 2016
:: Scope ::
The neuromechanics approach to the study of human movements involves an interdisciplinary combination of methods and knowledge from neuroscience, biomechanics and robotics. This symposium is aimed at promoting the dialogue between researchers from these fields.
Some of the topics related to this symposium are:
- Neuromechanics and its role in motor control
- Modeling of efferent and afferent pathways
- Neural and muscular synergies
- Neural control of multi-muscle, multi-joint movements
- Neuromuscular human-machine interfaces
- Neural control for robotics applications
- Translational research: From models/experiments to clinical applications
:: Invited Speakers ::
A total of 22 talks will be delivered by leading researchers in the fields of computational neuroscience, biomechanics, clinical gait analysis and rehabilitation robotics. The keynotes and oral sessions speakers list is available here: http://orb.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/neu...2016/speakers/
:: Format ::
The symposium is planned as a 2.5 day single-track event with a focused gathering of researchers and ample time for discussions in formal and informal settings. Total number of participants is limited to about 60, due to the venue facilities.
Funding for the symposium comes from the Klaus-Georg and Sigrid Hengstberger Foundation, in support of upcoming researchers at University of Heidelberg. As far as possible, the symposium talks and posters will feature an equal distribution of senior and upcoming researchers.
:: Important Dates ::
Poster abstract submission deadline: 30th April, 2016
Notice of acceptance: 15th May, 2016
Online registration will open shortly after abstract acceptance.
:: Symposium Organizer ::
Manish Sreenivasa
University of Heidelberg
Dr. Manish Sreenivasa
Optimization in Robotics & Biomechanics
Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing
University of Heidelberg
Speyererstr. 6 | 69115 Heidelberg | Germany
Tel: +49-6221-54-8878
Web: orb.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/people/manish
International Symposium on the Neuromechanics of Human Movement
4-6th October, 2016
Heidelberg, Germany
Deadline for (poster) abstract submissions: 30th April 2016
:: Scope ::
The neuromechanics approach to the study of human movements involves an interdisciplinary combination of methods and knowledge from neuroscience, biomechanics and robotics. This symposium is aimed at promoting the dialogue between researchers from these fields.
Some of the topics related to this symposium are:
- Neuromechanics and its role in motor control
- Modeling of efferent and afferent pathways
- Neural and muscular synergies
- Neural control of multi-muscle, multi-joint movements
- Neuromuscular human-machine interfaces
- Neural control for robotics applications
- Translational research: From models/experiments to clinical applications
:: Invited Speakers ::
A total of 22 talks will be delivered by leading researchers in the fields of computational neuroscience, biomechanics, clinical gait analysis and rehabilitation robotics. The keynotes and oral sessions speakers list is available here: http://orb.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/neu...2016/speakers/
:: Format ::
The symposium is planned as a 2.5 day single-track event with a focused gathering of researchers and ample time for discussions in formal and informal settings. Total number of participants is limited to about 60, due to the venue facilities.
Funding for the symposium comes from the Klaus-Georg and Sigrid Hengstberger Foundation, in support of upcoming researchers at University of Heidelberg. As far as possible, the symposium talks and posters will feature an equal distribution of senior and upcoming researchers.
:: Important Dates ::
Poster abstract submission deadline: 30th April, 2016
Notice of acceptance: 15th May, 2016
Online registration will open shortly after abstract acceptance.
:: Symposium Organizer ::
Manish Sreenivasa
University of Heidelberg
Dr. Manish Sreenivasa
Optimization in Robotics & Biomechanics
Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing
University of Heidelberg
Speyererstr. 6 | 69115 Heidelberg | Germany
Tel: +49-6221-54-8878
Web: orb.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/people/manish