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Call for Papers - IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference

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  • Call for Papers - IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference

    The sixth annual IEEE GHTC will take place in Seattle, Washington, USA, October 13– 16, 2016.

    We encourage those from academia, for-profit and non-profit businesses, governmental and non-governmental organizations to submit proposals and papers; to gather together in Seattle; and to discuss how technology can benefit the resource-constrained and vulnerable populations in the world as well as improve disaster response. GHTC’s unique focus on humanitarian technology provides visibility and recognition for humanitarian work and projects. Its interactive nature provides a fertile environment for identifying resources, ideas, collaborators, and potential partners or investors.

    The technical program of IEEE GHTC 2016 will consist of invited talks, special sessions, posters, and paper presentations. Papers in the Health Track will cover areas of Medical technology, Telemedicine, Mobile Clinics, Primary Care and Nutrition including, but not limited to:
    • eHealth: technology and devices, data records, information processing, systems and communications, systems and emergency services, preventative systems, personalized eHealth, rural and wilderness eHealth
    • Telemedicine/eHealth: applications, services, integration with classical medicine, clinical telemedicine, environmental and travel telemedicine
    • Sociological, sociotechnical and multi-disciplinary perspectives on eTELEMED practices
    • Social and financial aspects
    • Challenges of large-scale, cost-effective eHealth and Telemedicine systems
    • Nurse team applications

    Important Dates
    April 3 2016: Abstract or proposal submission deadline
    June 15 2016: Paper submission for review
    August 15 2016: Final copy-ready paper submission deadline

    Authors may submit the initial abstract for a paper or poster presentation; or a proposal for a case study, panel discussion, and workshop. We especially encourage the inclusion of case studies and topics that are appropriate for interactive sessions. Detailed instructions for the preparation and submission of papers can be found at

    We look forward to your excellent scientific contributions.

    IEEE GHTC Health Track Co-Chairs,
    Charmayne Mary Lee Hughes and Suryadip Chakraborty