Dear Biomch-L readers:

We are proud to announce that the winner of the 14th Annual Delsys Prize for Innovation in Electromyography is Dr. Max Ortiz Catalán of Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Click here, for details on the winner and the selected proposal.

This is the fourteenth year that we have awarded the Prize and it is the intention of Delsys to continue this annual event in perpetuity. We wish to share with you the great pleasure we have in shepherding the increasing interest in the Prize.

Dr. Catalán winning proposal, titled “Myoelectric pattern recognition and augmented reality for the treatment of Phantom Limb Pain”, was selected from a field of 134 entries from 29 countries. The entries represented a remarkably broad range of interests in diverse areas as Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology, Signal Processing, Facial EMG, Robotics, Rehabilitation, and various other areas.

It is heartening to witness the growth and continuing maturation of the field of Electromyography. We are honored to play a small part in this success story by illuminating outstanding contributions to the field.

We would like to thank the Delsys Prize Review Board Members: Dr. Andrea d’Avella (Italy), Dr. Kevin Englehart (Canada), Dr. Jim Richards (UK), and Dr. William Zev Rymer (USA), for taking part in choosing the winner.

Dr. Catalán won a cash award of $ 3,000, a commemorative plaque, and a complete Trigno™ 8 – Channel Wireless EMG System with EMGworks® Acquisition and Analysis Software by Delsys and a LabChart Analysis Software by ADInstruments.

Many thanks to all of the contributors who participated this year and we invite all to consider participating in the 15th Annual Delsys Prize in 2017.

The Delsys Team