2017 Annual Meeting
Call for Symposium Proposals
The American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) is sending out this call for research symposium proposals for the ASB 41st Annual Meeting in Boulder, CO August 8-11, 2017. ASB members are invited to submit highly innovative and impactful symposia to be presented at this meeting. Members interested in contributing to the teaching symposium should contact Education Committee Chair Kimberly Bigelow (kbigelow1@udayton.edu).
Priority for selection will be given to symposia that accomplish the following:
- Provides a bridge between basic science, engineering and/or clinical domains
- Topics that address contemporary, novel and/or controversial issues
- Encourage debate between presenters and/or the audience
- Are highly educational and encourage discussion among attendees
- Include both junior and senior speakers that bring unique approaches or perspectives to the topic
Symposium Format:
- Each symposium will have a 90-minute time slot for 3-5 speakers
- Some provision for group discussion should be made. For example, a 15-minute moderated panel or audience discussion could be featured at the end
Proposal Format:
- Proposals should be no more than 2 pages (single spaced).
- Proposals should include the following:
- Organizer name, institution and contact information
- Confirmation that organizer is an ASB member in good standing (regular or student)
- Symposium title
- Description of symposium including:
- Background and significance
- Explanation of how priorities listed above are addressed
- Description of the presenters and their unique contributions to the symposium
- Description of the symposium format and how the audience will be involved. If there is to be a debate, how will it be structured and who will moderate it (if not the Chair), etc.
Review Process:
- Proposals will be evaluated by the ASB 2017 Program Committee
- Proposals will be evaluated based on the quality of the proposal and appropriateness for the ASB community
- The deadline for submission of proposals is January 15, 2017
- Notification of the decisions on proposals will be sent by February 15, 2017
Additional Notes:
- ASB cannot provide support for travel or other expenses for symposium speakers or organizers
- Submit proposals or inquiries to 2017 Program Chair Stephen Piazza (piazza@psu.edu)