42nd Annual meeting of American Society of Biomechanics
August 8-11, in Rochester MN.
**Abstracts are due on March 5!**
The organizers of the ASB encourage the submission of abstracts on the entire spectrum of biomechanics-related research including but not limited to muscle mechanics, gait, posture and balance, rehabilitation engineering, ergonomics, musculoskeletal and orthopedic mechanics, prosthetics, orthotics and exoskeletons, cellular, molecular and tissue mechanics, comparative biomechanics, motor control, computational modeling and simulation, muscle, sports and teaching. The program will include multiple parallel sessions, research symposia and thematic poster sessions, lab tours, tutorials, keynote lectures, best paper competitions (Clinical Biomechanics, Journal of Biomechanics), and honorary awards (Borelli, Hay, Young Scientist Pre-Doctoral, Young Scientist Post-Doctoral), and, new this year, student presentation competitions. Meeting information is available through the meeting website (http://asb2018.asbweb.org), including links for the abstract template and submission, meeting registration, updated news and details on the eligibility and nominating requirements for each of the ASB society awards. Please note society award and travel grant applications or nominations are due by the abstract deadline.
As noted above, this year’s ASB will have student presentation competitions in the bachelors, masters and doctoral categories. Finalists for the student competitions will be selected from the pool of submissions from students who opt-in when they submit their abstracts. The deadline for submission of abstracts is Monday, March 5, 2018 at 11:59:59PM EST. Please visit the ASB call for abstracts page to get further information and submit your abstracts!
Silvia Salinas Blemker, PhD, ASB Program Chair
Kristin Daigle Zhao, PhD, ASB meeting chair