We will once again organize a Musculoskeletal Modeling Workshop using the AnyBody Modeling System.
The course will include a review and discussion of important theoretic background, but emphasis will be on practical skills to perform musculoskeletal simulations with the AnyBody Modeling System. The course will span several areas of musculoskeletal simulation from medical device development to ergonomics, sport performance, general biomechanics and academic/clinical research.
The workshop will be a mix between theory and applied hands-on modeling. The course will start at beginners level.
Date: March 4th – March 7th, 2019
Location: Laboratory for Biomechanics, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, Germany
Cost: Free of charge
More details can be found at: https://lbm.rcbe.de/musculoskeletal-modeling-workshop/