2018 was a tremendous year for the De Luca Foundation, as we expanded the scope of our activities well beyond our conventional initiatives. This year, we co-hosted a successful educational event for National Biomechanics Day, added two members to our Board of Advisors, and committed more resources than ever to educational meetings in a variety of disciplines. Additionally, we increased our support for researchers through research scholarships, Delsys Prize, and support to scientific symposia.

Furthermore, we made our most direct philanthropic impact to date, by donating a wheelchair-accessible van to the Casa della Letizia, an assisted living facility in Bagnoli del Trigno, Italy. The village of Bagnoli del Trigno is the birth town of our founder, Prof. Carlo J De Luca, and the facility plans to use this van to transport their elderly residents to hospitals and other sites throughout the village.

We are anticipating another year of progress in 2019, as we are lining up resources for upcoming meetings and award campaigns. We encourage you to look into, and participate in, our opportunities for 2019.

Official Statement of Activities: https://www.delucafoundation.org/dow...eview/2018.pdf.

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